Chapter: 6 Speak of the devil Part 2

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{ Travis POV }

Why am I so nervous!? I'm sweating and I keep stuttering! I hope Katelyn doesn't notice. She seems happy with me and I finally got to be with her! ...but did I make the right choice? YES I DID I NEED TO STOP THINKING ABOUT ZANE! "Are you ok? " Katelyn asked suspiciously "Yes I'm fine just nervous thats all haha." *nervous laughter * ( oh come on Travis! man up!) "Don't be, we are gonna be fine." she said calmly "W-we?", "Your not the only one who's nervous silly" she laughed. Her laugh is so comforting...

{ Aphmau's POV }

I'm worried about Zane I wonder if he's alright... Well we are going shopping for ponies and that might make him feel better he looks sick and depressed and heartbroken... Maybe its just a phase...

{ Zane's POV }

Ponies will cheer me up right? I just cant stop thinking about him! No! I have to do this or then Aphmau will worry and I don't  want to worry her besides nobody wants to be with me...(I do!...sorry) "Zane hurry up! we're here!","I was way behind  I started to move faster and I saw some thing , was it...? No it can't be my mind must be decieving me 

We  went inside the mall an the there were not alot of people in the store except three girls a girl with short hair and light brown skin, a girl with light skin and long hair, and a girl with her hair tied into a ponytail and and tanned skin. The girl with the ponytail smiled at me (I had too!) and the girl with long hair elbowed her and whisper shouted "Stick to the script!", "Ouch! sorry." they quickly left with a Fluttershy,Twilight, and Rainbow dash and waved to Aphmau and Aphmau waved back and I had a confused look, "What is going on?", "You mean you don't know them!?", "Uh no.", "Well she's the author and the other two girls are her friend and cousin the author's  name is Evelynn and the other two are Emily and Ana, Emily is writing Garroth and Laruance fanfic."," Ooookay." There was so many ponies so we stayed there cooped up with our fandom. This did cheer me up for a moment....until I saw a certain someone and my happiness was drowned by the tears that were forming in my eyes

Authors note: I am so sorry I have not updated in a while I am just soo busy but I hope you like this Chapter bye!!! 💜💜💜  

P.s HI ANA AND EMILY (GO READ THEIR STORIES  Emi_lie_Ahh and VampireGamer-21)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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