Chapter 12

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Rick and Damon chained Kai to a tomb stone while he was unconscious. Rick was pissed at Damon for some reason, something about compelling him to get something from Jo.

I turned and saw Jo limp out holding her arm tightly. I looked down and saw blood. My eyes widened and I vamp sped to her and bit my wrist.

"Here drink this" I said pulling my arm up to her mouth. She hesitated but started to drink my blood and I watched as the wound healed quickly.

She wiped her mouth and mumbled a 'thank you' and Rick put a blanket around her shoulders and motioned for her to get into his car.

"Well now we have Kai" I said to Damon. He nodded and both of our heads whipped to the side when we heard Kai start to stir.

I rolled my eyes "great he's awake" Damon said sarcastically. "So, we gonna kill him or what?" I asked impatient.

Damon shook his head I raised my eyebrows and gave him a 'why the hell not' look. "Trust me as much as I would like to bash that little freaks head in, we can't. Jo is convinced she can get stronger enough to beat Kai in the merge." I gave him a confused look.

"The what?" Damon's mouth went into an o shape. "Oh right no ones explained the witchy thing to you." I rolled my eyes and mumbled "no one tells me anything"

"Kai and Jo are twins and are both in the Gemini coven, and when the twins turn 22 they have to merge and whoever is stronger enough takes the other twins magic and the other twin dies making the twin that lived the leader of the Gemini coven" Damon said almost out of breathe.

"Wow" I said trying to process all of the information. We turned and saw Kai was fully awake.

"Don't you think this is kinda extreme Damon?" He asked and chuckled. Damon picked up and rock and threw it at full force and it hit the tomb stone. I saw Kai flinch.

I looked at him surprised "Damon you could've knocked his hand off" he smirked "that was the point"

"Why don't you come over here and help me out of these chains doll face" Kai said in a amused tone.

"On second thought" I said and picked up and rock and threw it. He flinched again and I smirked. The tomb stone had chips in it.

Rick came over panicked "what are you two doing?" I shrugged and Damon rolled his eyes. I put my hair behind my ear as the wind started to pick up suddenly.

"We are supposed to keep him alive remember" I nodded "kinda gonna be hard with all his smart ass comments"

We all looked back at Kai. "What is he doing" Damon asked as he scrunched together his eyebrows. "Is he chanting?" Rick asked.

The wind become more violently and leaves were flying everywhere. I looked down at Kai's hands, they were glowing red and were down on the ground.

His chanting became louder. His chains started to melt off and I watched as he stood up and turned towards us with an evil smirk on his face.

"Oh crap"

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