one: last touch

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Courtesy of "River Flows in You" by Yiruma

An elderly woman sat in a wicker chair overlooking the fields beyond her front porch. She was filled with a sense of both nostalgia and natsukashii at once, a wonderful yet saddening mix of longing and celebration.

The woman remembered how she danced in the rain as it fell, light glinting through the tiny droplets as they poured over her. She remembered the joy she felt when she looked behind her to see her love looking on with a warm smile that had turned playful as soon as she dragged her out into the downfall.

She remembered sitting at the piano in her living room, the humble upright that had brought her comfort all her life. She remembered her once nimble fingers gliding over the keys as the music filled her with life. She recalled tuning out everything around her but the gentle yet powerful notes, the time when she was her true self. It was the time when thoughts ran wildly through her brain, only half formed and yet full of happiness, full of her love.

She remembered the joy on her love's face as they adopted their first kitten, an adorable tortoiseshell that was so full of life and playfulness, an unabashed happiness that was passed down through generations of the small creatures.

She remembered her love when they sat together, speaking in low tones as they took solace in each other's presence, embracing the warmth that they shared. They felt safe with each other, and the loneliness fell away like water flows down a stream.

She still felt her love. That was one thing that would never fade away, no matter how many years had passed since she last saw her.

Tears fell down her face as she remembered the ashes of that fire, then the ashes that were planted under the sycamore in the distance.

She cried for her heart, as the sun slowly set on the horizon. Her good health would make the years many before she could see her love again.

She wished that she could feel the presence of the one who possessed her soul one last time. She wished for one last sarcasm filled glance, one last touch of her skin, one last glimpse of that goofy smile or the sparkle that took up her love's eyes when she was filled with passion. She wished impossible wishes, such impossible wishes.

She just wanted her back.

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