Chapter 1: A New King (Picture of Matthew)

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Authors note: Just to note, Annelise has nicknames for all of her brothers, when she was younger she couldn't say Isaretle, for obvious reasons. Samuel she just called him Sam to shorten it. but, she calls Isarelte Re, which is pronounced like ray. For Matthew she just called him Matt, but the T's weren't very pronounced. just thought I'd let you know!


5 years after their father left for the war... 6 months since they last heard from him.

Matthew Clearwater walked into his office where he saw his younger brother waiting. "Sam! I wasn't aware you were waiting for me. Do you need something?" Waiting for his brothers reply Matthew made his way to his chair opposite of Samuel. Before Samuel could respond though they heard rapid hoof beats coming from the courtyard. They stood in unison as a travel weary soldier stumbled into the room.

"Your majesty, I come... Baring grave news..." The two brothers rushed to help the man as he stumbled wearily, they slowly lowered him into a nearby chair. The poor soldier looked as though he hasn't seen a bed for days.

"Soldier, you must rest. You are not well." Samuel ordered.

"No, no I must..." The man started coughing violently, "I must," cough, "give you the message..." He fell into another fit of coughs, graciously accepting the cup of water offered. "Your father... he, he wrote this... before" The soldier coughed again, it was truly terrible and the serving women in the room looked at the man in concern. After he calmed a bit he handed the two young men a crumpled and torn piece of parchment.

"Sir, he needs medical attention." Clarice, Matthews personal serving girl pleaded.

"Wait! Before what, please tell me what happened?" Matthew asked desperately. "What happened to our father?"

"I'm sorry sir, I'm so so sorry... He's gone." More servants came in and carried the man away before he could finish. The boys looked on in shock, not believing what they just heard.

"Matt? S-sam?" Annalises timid voice came from the doorway. Her brothers spun around to face her in surprise. "We heard the man come in," she answered their unasked question. "What does he mean Papa's gone?" She asked, ready to burst into tears.

"He doesn't mean like gone gone, right? he'll come back, he always does." Isaretle added. Matthew crouched to Annalises level while Samuel confronted Isaretle.

"Li, Father was out at war. And when your in the midst of a battle, sometimes things can happen, bad things." Matt began, trying to hold back tears of his own while his little sister let hers run down her cheeks freely, eyes wide in disbelief. "I'm sorry Li--"

"No! Don't call me that! Don't EVER call me Li again. Only Papa can call me Li" Annalise backed away from the room in despair, tears streaming down her young face. "He promised, he-he'll come back... he always comes home." She whimpered. Annalise fled outside, Matthew moved to go after her but Namiovuh, Annelises personal serving girl, stopped him. With a small shake of her head she ran after the child herself.

Due to lack of food and sleep, the soldier died that night.

The Kings children believe their father is dead.

At the age of 20 winters, Matthew must lead the country with his brother, Samuel, by his side.

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