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I know, I know, your sick of hearing them. But, read below for the rules.

1) No hate towards the judges or fellow entrants. If we find out that you've done so, you will be eliminated from the contest and reported.

2) Send in your entry on time! Anything past the due date will not be accepted. I understand this can be hard when dealing with time zones, so we'll be slightly flexible.

3) There is a maximum of two entries per contest.

4) There are two ways to send in your cover. Either PM us the link, or post it in your graphic book and tag us in that specific chapter.

5) Keep all your covers "clean". Which means to a PG, maybe PG-13, rating. We don't want to dreamy inappropriate images used.

6) Have fun! That's why we're doing this contest, so you guys can enjoy graphic design the way that we do. And if you don't win, don't feel down, just try again!

Cover ContestWhere stories live. Discover now