Cakes and Tosses

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Kageyama woke up to what sounded like calls of distress. Hinata was in his house for some reason, but he didn't question it. He was still fazed by all this.

"What the literalfuck?"


What was he doing here? It's not like he broke into his house or anything, So why?
'I just came here to ask if you could toss for me, since the competition is coming up and all. Nothin special really.' He exclaimed, with a smile that made his heart flutter.

'Did you come to my house just to ask me that?!' He recoiled.
As if he wasn't already in a bad mood, he just so happened to see this redhead midget standing on his doormat at 7:00 am in the morning. He was wearing cheap oversized clothes that looked way too big and cute on him (not that Kageyama was ever going to admit that.)
'Your mom let me in.' He scratched the back of his head.
'T-this was for helping me perfect that spike I could never do, So I bought you a little gift." he stuttered; not daring to make eye contact with the taller boy.
There was a cardboard  box about the size of a book in his hands, reaching it out to Kageyama.
'I thought you said you wanted me to toss to you right now?' He questioned.
"Well yeah, It's just that I want you to keep tossing to me- no... I want you to play volleyball with me. For ever and ever!"
Anyone could tell he was flustered. You could see the heat rise from his cheeks.
Kageyama opened the box Hinata had shoved towards his chest from sheer embarrassment.
'The hell... did you buy a cake?! What is this?' It wasn't his birthday for several months.
'I guess it's a thank you cake for helping me practice I guess, plus it's also vanilla bean flavoured, and plus it was on sale so...' He was twiddling his thumbs this time, still looking as red as a tomato.
He was at a lost for words.
"Why now? For crying out loud, just how impulsive can you be..." he muttered, mouth twitching into an inevitable grin.

"Well, I mean I had to thank you someday right? I also really just wanted to see you. I've never really visited you so I asked Kiyoko senpai for your address, sorry for praying around." He chuckled nervously.
There was a comfortable silence and Kageyama decided to break it.
'Thanks I guess... Dumbass.' Said Kageyama giving Hinata a light kiss onto his soft orange mop of hair as he held Hinata's strangely infantile hands.
Kageyama then realised what he had done. Did he really kiss his best frenemy's head out of sheer hormonal impulses?? The guy that he was so sure that hated him because his awkward mannerisms and constant moodiness?

Yes he did.

He looked into Hinata's eyes for any sign of discomfort. He didn't push Kageyama or strangle him, which is a good sign he supposes. Hinata only smirked and wrapped his arms around Kageyama. He started to pull him lower until it reached his soft lips. Kageyama cupped Hinata's cheeks until their lips met again for the second time. It was chaste at first but then it turned into something a bit more passionate and needy. It was messy, sloppy and in no way was it like any of the kisses in those Romance movies Kageyama's cousin forced him to watch. There were no words to describe Hinata's face right now, he'd been wanting to do this for so so long. Jesus Christ if past Kageyama saw this happening, he'd be so proud.

After what seemed like hours of snogging (which was probably less than 5 minutes) they managed to trip over their own feet trying to make it to the bedroom. They stared at each other for a while with flushed faces and burst out in laughter.

Hinata had suggested that they watch a movie (not a horror one because Hinata might've wet his pants) so they ended up watching Dumb and Dumber. They ended up laughing throughout the whole movie as they scarfed down the vanilla bean cake hurriedly into their mouths.

Kageyama laid down on the couch, face brimming with fatigue. There was an equally tired and sleepy Hinata cradled next to him, head resting on the crook of Kageyama's neck. The heat from the cuddling of them lulled them both to sleep

A/N:CRAP this is soo cheesy... I wrote this at the start of the year thinking it was okay, but now that I look at it its cringe worthy! I'll try to write a way better second chapter. Thanks for reading! Leave a prompt in the comments. :)

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