Chapter 2 nikkis pov

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I'm so sorry for not updating :(

Nikki's pov

BEEP BEEP BEEP my alarm clock when as I almost broke it.

I was really excited when Brandon texted me.

Like really exited to the point Chloe and Zoey almost thought I was like a 4 year old getting candy before dinner.

I got dressed in white adias with black line on the side with a black tank top with short jeans.

I took a breakfast bar (idk if it's a thing) as I walked to go to school.

As I walked into school I saw Mackenzie balling her eyes out.Usually I would care but I saw two boys yelling at her telling her to leave this world because she's a waste of air.

Now that's even more harsh than what she says to me on a daily basis.

I just walked past because I didn't want to " die "and get in trouble for not reason with the principal.

When I walked into the hall I saw Brandon and was smiling as I approached him.

He asked me out on a dateeee. *inserts Nikki dancing
really badly but doesn't care lol*.

And I saw Chloe and Zoey but only Chloe talked to me that's weird......

~~~ 4:05 (dismissal from school)~~~

Zoey is acting really weird.Like she wouldn't even talk to me or nada.

But I did see someone smirk at her and she was terrified.What happened to her was she bullied? Was that an ex boyfriend?

As I walked home I said hi to Brianna and my puppy I got from the shelter Brandon's grand parents have.

When I finished my homework
I had so Fritos chips as Zoey texted me.

Here's the text convo

N= Nikki

Z= Zoey

Z:Nikki I need to tell you some thing that I didn't tell even Chloe yet.


Z=I'm at ur house I'll tell you there.

***read by Nikki at 6:05******

So Zoey has something to tell me??

As I opened the door I saw a scaried Zoey.

"So are you going to tell me or nah?"

"Yeah *sniffs* but......before I tell you you better not tell a single soul.Got it?

" Got it."

*sniffs again*"well I.....


BUT PLEASE GET ME TO AT LEAST 20k on this book AND 1K looks(views) on this chapter pwease;)). No? Ok

word count:406

Anddddd vote for next chapter!!! :)

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