Oh,the Misery

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heyyy sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger Anywaythis chapter is gonna be really short SORRYbut it was ethier this or no more uploads for two weeks ENJOY and





Kat's POV

Oh my god! What should i do Jay is right there? Should i leave? No that would be supicous and jay would see me.

" Umm John can we leave I'm full" Just then my somatch growled as if taunting me.

" Uh no you're your not your sraving come on eat" he said sliding the food in front of me. Shit why can't my somatch go along with my plan.

" Let's go" I said getting up.

" No I'm sarving" he said eating his muffin.

" Ok just take it with you i feel like about to shift ' I whispered.

"Fine" John repiled. He got up and sipped my coffee. Jay was going to sit now. He looked depressed. He had bags under his eyes. His hair was messed up and not the sexy one the kind that looked like he hadn't brushed it for days. I almost feel bad that he was in that state but then i remember what he did. I got furious and then i became sad. My emotions must of been obvious because John asked me if i was okay. I wanted to say that i was not but i did the normal answer. John dropped the subject immediaty. John tugged my arm pulling me. I don't know why but i kept staring at manwhore. As much as it angered me i did love him. I would die for him and i amtepped to. John and me left starbucks and went to my car.

John's POV

I went out of starbucks feeling so confused. Kat kept looking at a guy. Starbucks was really empty so it wasnt a wonder on who she was staring at.her emotion we written clearly on her face.First it was anger then it was pain but in all of them i saw love hidden. I think he was the reason she was going to suicide. I don't know why but it made me feel a little sad that she loves someone else. Maybe its because she's one of the only friends I've every had. We went inside the car i asked the question that was bothering me.

Okay what was that about " John said

' What do you mean" She knew exactly what he meant but went with the innocent look anyway.

" You know excatly what i mean what i mean" I snapped.

" I tell you later let's just go to the meadow" She said.

" Fine" I dropped the subject let again. We drove in slience. Once we reached the meadow she slammed the door and immediatly went behind her tree to shift. Once she got out from the trees protection i was mezmerized. She was a pure white wolf. She was the most beatiful wolf i ever saw. Usally if your a pure white wolf your an alpha's mate. I also shiftet and came out from the tree with my clothes in my mouth.My wolf was black like an alpha's should be.Well used to be alpha.  She left her clothes near the tree and started running. She ran and ran with me following close behind. hse finally stopped and i caught my breath. She sat in the meadow and layed her head down in the grassI didd the same..She layed there for 30 minutes and finally got up> I went with her. Again she ran at full speed and kept running untill she got to the tree where her clothes were. She put them on. I put my clothes on too . Thinking why did she run at full speed as my feet began to hurt.

She went into the car and started the engine. I climbed in and she floored it.

"Where are we going" I asked.

"We are going to suicide......Again."


Joesph's POV( John's Dad)

"How is she docter"i asked.Not wanting to know if it was bad.

" She's fighting there's not much we can do I'm sorry its gonna take a mircale to save her" He put his hand on my shoulder and gave my a sypathetic look.

"Can i go in" I asked on the verge on tears.

" Yes by all means" He said

I went in to find my wife Mary hooked to a heart monter. She got into a coma when we go into another fight with the rouges. She was still looking beatiful after all she's been though. First i lost my son and now her. I went close to her and grabbed her hand and kissed it.

" I will never leave you" I whispered into her ear. I sliently cried while seeing what states she's in. Now i now how John felt with Natasha. Maybe i went a little to hard on him. But now its to late. He's gone , gone from my life forever. Who knows where he could be?

sorry its so short. I know sad chapter anyway






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