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Dean rolled over on his bed when the annoying tone of an alarm clock rang into his left ear.

"Shoo.." he groaned "stupid cl-"


Dean had rolled over onto the floor, landing with a thud.

"Ugh.. Sam!"

Sam rushed to Dean's room and slammed open the door.

"Dean! Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh-"

He pulled Dean up and sat him down on his bed.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, besides the fact all I see is nothingness I think I'm good." Dean laughed at himself, but couldn't even hear a chuckle from Sam.

"Oh c'mon, I'm funny!" he threw his hands up and kept his face forward.

Sam rolled his eyes, not that Dean could tell anyways, but grabbed Dean's arm and pulled him to the bathroom.

"Feel around for the toilet because I'm not gonna help you pee, wash your hands, then we'll head out for ice cream then the library."

"Yes, sir!" Dean saluted the bathroom door.

"I'm over here."

"Oh.." Dean turned around. "Yes, sir!"

**Dean's POV**

I could hear the door shut behind me as I felt around for the toilet. Being blind sucks, I still remember colors and what things look like, but now all that I "see" is just gray. Just gray curtains. Dark, gray, depressing curtains.

"Ah- there it is." I felt for the seat and lifted it.

~~5 minutes later

I spent the past few minutes arguing with Sam about what I'm gonna wear. I may not be able to see my outfit, but other people can. I am not letting myself look stupid.

"Oh my God- Dean! Just wear the red shirt!"

"I wanna wear black!"

"You can't even tell the difference in what you're wearing!"

Well, damn, he ain't wrong.

"Just let me wear the black shirt, goddammit!"

"Fine! But I'm putting a red flannel over it."

"Can I keep it unbuttoned?"


"Sleeves rolled up?"

Sam sighed.


"Can I-"

"Yes! God, Dean, wear it however! Just get dressed!"

"But I can't see if it's backwards or not."

A door slammed shut.

I started speaking, making sure my voice was raised so Sam could hear me.

"He just left me. A blind, helpless child in need. A sad, disabled boy that-"

"Okay, y'know what- Hurry up or I'm leaving you here by yourself!" He yelled through the door. I got dressed within a heartbeat, I can tell by the zippers and tags and seams if the clothes are inside out or backwards. I'm used to it.

"I'm ready!" I yelled. I heard the door open and footsteps approaching me.

"Alright, c'mon." Sam put a hand on my shoulder and walked with me to the front door.

I better be getting mint chip ice cream.

[So this is a short chapter, sorry about that. I wanted to publish something to keep it interesting because I haven't updated this in forever so. Part 03 coming soon haha xx]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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