Driver - Chapter 6

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And drive he did. Danny pulled the dodge out from its state of rest and entered a high speed skid to drive past the vegetable truck right outside the restaurant. He looked in the rear view mirror and found the Chevy wheeling behind them and gaining speed. Danny started on his planned route with the Chevy behind them in hot pursuit. It stayed with them a very long time, maybe the driver behind the Chevy was as good as him. This was not your regular run of the mill chase; someone had planned it very carefully and made sure Danny would not get away as easily as he had planned to.

The two cars now entered the suburbs and had to slow down because of the police patrol cars cruising around the streets. Danny turned the dodge onto a quiet residential street, a location he had planned on using as a hiding spot because of its proximity to the interstate highway and rich indifferent neighbors who could couldn't care lesser about some  unidentified vehicle in their neighborhood. He cruised around the place with a steady speed of twenty five. Not knowing the area and not wanting to lose them, the Chevy came charging right towards the Dodge. Danny did not react and maintained his calm, much to the annoyance of Sherry sitting beside him.

"Step on it, you fool", she rushed him, "He's gaining on us. You want to get us killed?"

Danny glanced quickly at the mirror again only to find the Chevy being pulled over by the cops for over speeding in a residential neighborhood. For a moment the driver behind the Chevy must have thought of speeding away from there but he figured it best not to draw any more attention from the cops either towards him or Danny. After all Danny could be located and dealt with later. Now it was more important to lose these cops.

With their pursuer held by the good officers of the California Police Department, Sherry opened the bag that she had thrown in the Dodge's back seat. "Shit, there's a lot more money in here than what we were told", she said in an excited tone, "Must be close to a million at least."

"What the hell happened back there?" Danny asked furiously, "Where's Tony and the rest of the crew?"

"I don't know what happened. I guess they turned on each other," Sherry said with an uncertain voice.

"Tell me everything", Danny wanted to get a grip on this situation.

"We start out as planned and then as soon as I grab the money bag and head out I hear two shots. I turn back and see Tony and Bill lying on the floor." explained Sherry. "I figured the guard took them down but then it occurred to me that the guard had no gun on him."

Sherry went on, " He raised his gun towards me as I ran out the store and jumped straight in the car. I fired back at him hitting him maybe once or twice."

Danny listened in shock as he heard this woman recall the entire incident.  "What kind of crew turns on each other during a job", he wondered.

"What do you know about the Chevy that came after us right after we left?" he had yet to figure out its role in the entire situation.

"I don't know anything about that car. I am as surprised as you are about that one", said Sherry.

For now Danny had to take her word on it. They first had to get off the street, find a safe place to hide and plan their next move.

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