The Freaks, Chuds, Moofs. The Non Humans.

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      It was the day after Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving in the Fayz, and hopefully the last. Sam was walking down the road towards Astrid's house, kicking a pebble. The last few days he had been sleeping at the town hall. Responsibility weighing him down non stop. He missed the old days when all he had to do was think about himself. Since the Fayz, all of that had changed.

All of a sudden, there's a sound of glass shattering. Sam looked up. 


Zoe had never been quick at reacting, so when she heard glass shattering, it took her a second to react. Any longer could have been fatal. The shatter came from a window of a two story house and a brick. In self defense, Zoe put up her force field,ducked and covered her head with her hands. The brick bounced off the force field and landed beside her. What was written on it left her with a broken heart, it read "FREAK". 


Sam saw this all.' This girl had powers, very useful powers. At least a three bar.' he thought to himself. At that moment four boys came bursting out the front door with baseball bats. The girl, black by race, canceled the force field and took off in a sprint into the alley. Sam followed. They had her cornered, she looked frightened. Zil raised his bat as he became unbalanced. 'Weird' Sam thought, he felt a breeze as the next two boys lost their balance. The last one just dropped his bat and ran away, the others scrambled to their feet and followed.

"Thanks." the older girl said as she embraced the other in a hug. The little girl turned to face Sam.

"Who's he?" the younger girl asked. She had a lighter skin color than the older one but had very similar facial features. This girl had hazel eyes unlike the older one with a deep brown eye color. They both cared pocket knifes on their right side. The older one whispered into the others ear,  neither taking their eyes off him. The younger one nodded, then appeared strait in front of him. 

"Samuel Temple, name your state of business." She said. 

"What?" Sam asked confused.

"What are you doing here?

"I was walking. Who are you?"

"I'm Ziara, that's Zoe."

"Will you all come with me, please? I'd like to talk somewhere else but here."

"Sure. Where?" Zoe asked.

"Astrid's house. Do you know where that is?" Sam asked. They nodded. "Great. Meet you all there in a hour." He said and walked off to Astrid's house.


Zoe and Ziara began to walk off to their house. Sam and his crew don't know what they just got themselves into. Zoe and Ziara have a secret that may contain the secret to life here in the fayz. And what they will do to protect it won't be pretty.

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