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The sound of the blast awoke her, the white light almost blinding her senses, throwing a hand over her eyes to shield them was all she could do, then she felt it. 

"what on earth" she muttered as her chest felt as if it was exploding, a scream ripped though her as she fell off of her bed onto the hardwood floor. then it was over, but at the same time it was only starting. the voices flooded her mind, they told her not to be afraid, that it was okay, go back to bed, rest yourself for what comes next. sleepily she nodded, picking herself up off the ground and crawling back into bed, once again letting sleep wrap itself around her. 


how could he find it?  he was human now, all his powers gone, with nothing more than his vessels identity and the clothing on his back he made his way out of the empty alley way and on to the busy street, it's in the city, he was sure of it, he could feel its power, sense it's presence. he hadn't meant to disobey, he's tried his hardest to follow his orders, no matter how cruel they were, but this, he would not do, he would not kill an innocent of his own kind, the undo-able, a small amount of Independence to his kind is the worst thing you could have, it was treated             like a crime, you're not here to serve yourself. you're here to serve heaven- the mission, the humans come first- no matter what.

hundreds of years he allowed himself to believe that, to follow the cause. but to what end  he had thought, all these things he was made to do, he couldn't see how that served the humans, how that kept them safe. hundreds of years he never asked questions , he did as he was told, buy now, now the had stripped him of the thing that made him who he was and banished him to earth. like a common criminal. he'd fallen, and there was only one way to get back up.

he had to find his grace.


The voice that woke her this time was anything but soothing and calm, it was loud and panicked get out! run! their coming, you need to run! she blots up into a sitting position, running her fingers though her hair, shaking the voice off as a bad dream she started her morning routeing.

Wake up, shower, a light breakfast then work for six hours, home. 

her life was dull, just like any other 22 year sold, she worked to pay the bills and maybe just maybe have a bit of money left to spend on food and living. but today he nightmare had left her on edge, a pit had long since formed in her stomach, the feeling of someone watching her followed her all around her apartment, she checked over her shoulder, nothing, no one.

please, run. they're coming for you, you're not safe there, pack a bag and go! 

this time she sprang into action, she leaps towards her closet as the apartment walls started rattling, she quickly threw a bunch of cloths into a bag and fled her home, she had not idea what was happening, all she knew was she had to go and she had to go now.

by the time she got to her car the rattling was no longer only in her apartment but the street, people ran, trying to avoid what they thought was an earth quake. 

but she knew different, she knew it was something more, what? she had no idea but she knew it involved what had occurred in her disturbed sleep. what the hell is going on?

with that thought she started the car and drove.

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