Bird Noises and Puns

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Pheonix: *in her room*               

Pheonix: cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep

Pheonix: chir chir twee twee twee twee

Pheonix: chicka-dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee

Gill: *laughing* XD

Pheonix: *shifts back* AH OH MY GOSH!!! How long have you been standing there?!

Gill: Since you started making bird noises XD

Pheonix: Ó////////Ò

Gill: Are you okay?

Pheonix: No

Gill: You're making me feel bad...

Pheonix: So you're feeling... Gill-ty

Gill: Yes XD


Pheonix's Guy Friend: *insert pick-up line*

Pheonix: Umm I can't...

Guy Friend: Why not?

Pheonix: Because I have a... Gill-friend XD

Gill: XD

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