where it begins

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Your P.O.V 

*on the phone*

"Mum I told you its perfectly safe, it's my dream. Why wont you let me follow it"

"Mum its my life I can do what I want. You can controll me I'm 18, I'm an adult. I'm not a little kid anymore you can't tell me what I can and can't do."

"What do you mean you hate what I've become? Look it's up to me what I do and I'm NOT I repeat NOT going to change!" 

*Hangs up the phone*

Well that was fun, on a daily basis she tells me that. Partly why I moved out of the house so qickly. She never liked the idea of me following music as a job, she thought it was worthless and just a hobby. But in reality music is my complete dream. I started playing an instrument when I was 12, it was only the keyboard but then when I was 14 i started playing the guitair I learnt it from my Dad, he loved that I was following my dream with music. As my older siblings, my brother who is a History teacher and my sister who is a Nurse so they took more of an academic root. Well anyways I'm Demi. Demi Mae Spence, I'm considered as the baby of the family. I've just got the oppitunity of a life time from a record company to work with a mystery band but are really famous, and to go on tour with them I think it's about 147 shows or something like that. But anyways they said I would be a backing guitarist as the band all ready play their own instruments but as they are getting bigger they are getting bigger sound so they need another guitarist. I was happy to accept. 

At the moment I'm living in a small flat in Ireland my home country, Galbally just a small city in Northern Ireland. It's actually a nice place to live, the locals are really nice, it's my home you see I live about an hour away from my mum and dad which I love. 

I'm leaving to meet the boys in a couple of days so I'm getting the plane to London tomorrow, now my dreams are coming true

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