August 6

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So my mom clarified. I don’t have to write everyday. So that's good, because things don't happen everday, and there'd be no reason for me to write everyday. And I'd run out of pages really fast. There's only like a hundred pages (counting front and back seperately).

So anyway, school starts in six days.

Not looking forward to seeing all of the judgmental fake ass trick ass bitches at school. I don’t even think I’m emotionally ready to go back to school. I don't think I even can back to school

But they don’t care about that. All they care about is getting their stupid money and shit like that. They don't care.

Nobody does, you know? They don’t care unless you’re rich, a bitch, or a beautiful goddess like Aphrodite or some shit.

I’m neither.

But it’s really fucked up, you know? It’s either like you’re going along with everyone else, or you’re left behind in the 18th century. You’re either noticed, or forgotten. People care, or they don’t.

There is no in between.

I’m being all poetic again.

Gag me.

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