Chapter 4- we realize

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Clarys PoV
Oh my god I'm kissing Alec lightwood this felt so right mine and his lips moved in sync, but then my brain snapped and i pulled away sadness and confusion covered his face "we can't Alec your with Magnus" u told him he took a step back and sighed we both sat  down while he explained "we broke up" he said  with sadness "Alec im so sorry I didn't know" I told him "it's okay no one knows not even izzy he broke up with me because he thought i was ashamed of being with him when really it was about I had just came out and i wasn't used to it as much as he was and he ended it" he explained to me Alec I'm so so sorry.

Alec's PoV
I just told clary about me and Magnus and she was really apologetic about it after I told her we spent hours after hours talking on her bed until eventually we fall asleep I wake up facing her her fiery red hair in her face makes me giggle a little to myself I find my arms wrapped round her and hers Round mine before I knew it I kissed her on the cheek what the hell is wrong with me I can't believe I just done that!! Oh no I have feeling for clary!! Then it came back to me we kissed on the lips before I told her about Magnus and me she kissed back could she have the same feelings I do?? No dont be stupid why would she I look at the clock and see that it's only 4am so I try and get some more sleep when I hear a door open but think nothing of it.

Izzys PoV
I was really tired but could t sleep as I was stressed about all the things going on in my mind so I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water walking by Clarys room as she's sometimes awake at this time it was only 4am so I walk in without knocking and see that Clarys not alone I take a step closer to see who she's with and it doesn't take long before I realise that it's my big brother Alec I see them arms wrapped around each other I slowly and quietly make my way out of Clarys room "oh my god oh my god oh my god!!"  I say jumping up and down quietly. Wait why was Alec in there In the first place? Why where their arms wrapped round each other? Could they be dating? No they would've told me and they don't even get along. Although Alec has been very protective of clary since the vampire attack could he have feeling for clary?

Clarys PoV
I wake up to see A muscular arm wrapped round me I follow it up and see that it's Alec then all the more pried from last night came flooding back to me about Alec and Magnus's break up and that we kissed wait wait hold up we kissed he kissed me and I kissed back do j have feelings for Alec lightwood? Does Alec have feelings for me? No he can't have he doesn't even like me but why did he kiss me maybe because he was thinking of Magnus. So I decided not to bring it up as it was probably because of that reason so I decide to wake him up as it was 8am "Alec" "alec" I said again his eyes flickered open to travel his dark blue eyes he smiles at me and moves some of my hair out of my face I get up out of bed and go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth once in done o pull out a new toothbrush for Alec I walk out "there's a toothbrush for you in there" I said as I walked out Alec getting his shirt and boots on and with that he's in the bathroom

A/N hi guys sorry about making them forget the clalec kiss but trust me the next few chapters are juicy and please let me know if your enjoying the story if so please comment vote and share with your friends xxxxx

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