Chapter 9

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Slaight's pov

I woke up to Splashpaw moving around in the bed, I stretched and stood up straight, picking up Jaykit and taking him to the nursery, setting him beside Moonfur who begged me to let her watch him the other day. Thundertail was curled up into a tight ball on the far left of the den, i smiled and walked out of the den, I started heading to the fern tunnel to go hunt when a voice spoke up. "Hey Slaighfur! Wait up" i turned to see Rainpelt coming my way."Let me join you" i let him catch up and we headed out. We soon arrived at the river. "I hear something" Rainpelt said. On the other side of the river a Thunderclan warrior and what looks like his new apprentice came from the bushes, i recognized the warrior, Pebbleclaw, he knows Moonfur, i wave my tail at him. "It can't be, is that you Slaighpaw?" i purr as he smiles warmly. "It's Slaighfur Pebbleclaw, who's that?" the apprentice looked tense and ready to pounce on us if we moved. I'm guessing she's a new apprentice because she smiled and looked ready to battle like it's easy but her eyes held fear, her claws going in and out into the soft ground. "This is Kestrelpaw, she's our newest apprentice" i nodded. "She doesn't have littermates?" Rainpelt asked. "No surprisingly, anyways we should keep going" Pebbleclaw waved his tail as they walked off. "That's strange" Rainpelt said, i shrugged. "Let's head back". We picked up the fish and headed back to camp, to my surprise everyone was around Berryfoot as he talked, i joined beside Smokepatch. "What's going on?". "Some Shadowclan cat's decided it was a great idea to go all the way across Windclan just to steal some fish from the river" he growled. "How do you know?". "Sparkeye found wet paw prints and a dead fish leading to their territory". I started listening to Berryfoot and what he was planing. "Slaighfur, you will lead group one with me, consisting of Jaggedclaw, Suntail, Snakeheart, Honeyfur, Sparkeye and Snowfoot. Cloudedstart will lead a group with Rainpelt, Smokepatch, Nightheart, Raystripe and Askleaf. Group one will stay in the shadows and get into the camp while group two goes straight though the territory, distracting the whole camp so they won't notice the second wave, the rest of you will stay here and protect just in case they come this way" we all nod and get in our groups before heading out. It was hard staying out of sight but we finally made it to the camp, group two went it surprising the camp as they fought, soon some of out warriors were getting horribly beaten so we joined, taking Windclan cats by surprise. I jumped for the closest cat to me, it was a brown tabby tom who was at least twice my size, he jumped at me and i immediately got on my back, claws stretched out so when he landed my claws dig into his soft belly fur causing him terrible pain. He jumped off of me and bit into my shoulder, i moved causing it to sting and rip a little of my fur off, i wasn't paying attention and another cat came from behind me, i closed my eyes and focused, going back in time for a little, just enough for me to dodge the move. I felt another cat on top of me, before i could react i felt the claws dig into the back of the my throat, i coughed as blood swelled from my neck, everything going black.

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