In Time

271 16 3

The time in my life when I am at my best

Is when I am still and at rest

But even then the nightmares come

and my feet stick and I cannot run

My heart beats like a stormy night

And my fists clench and my body fills with fright

My skin becomes beaded with sweat

And they tell me not to fret

Even though it hurts like nothing else

And sometimes what love there is inside me melts

Taken over by all the pain

That I wish could be washed away by the rain

Star pushes against me

When I wake

And sometimes I think this is the only love that is not fake

She cannot lie

She doesn't run when I cry

They come and help

The useless whelp

But they are cats

They don't know the stats

Sometimes I need a humans kind touch

My head hurts and I know it is like lust

Half-broken and littered, screaming, rain

It all circles back to the pain

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