Chapter 2

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Toothless P.O.V

And so, another raid. We once again had to attack this hideous village full of murderous humans. The inhabitants of this island take great pride in murdering my kin. What is the delight in eliminating another creature? I will never understand. Many of my people have been slain in order to get food for our queen so she can survive. If we don't, we ourselves get eaten by the Queen. I am the exception though, I merely help out in the raids as the Queen would see it as a waste for me to attack in close quarters and get killed.

We are all under the queen's control... Well, I am once again a little bit of an exception to her powers. Unlike my kin who have very little free will, I have total control over myself. The only thing the queen was able to do is tempt me, which works most of the time. After what I have seen I want nothing more than to help my people survive. That was the only reason I stayed.

We were all above the target island, the one we always attacked. All of the dragons descended to the ground while I heard the warning sound that humans use to alert others of their species that we were approaching. I really saw no purpose in the warning sound, everybody would be able to hear us anyway, no matter if they were asleep or not. The amount of noise that we made should really have been reduced. It would've been useful if all of the dragons had been as stealthy as I.

I flew up high to dive and then I made my signature noise. The one that alerted the humans of my presence. Not a particularly good strategy, but I was covered by the night. Nobody could ever bring me down if they couldn't see me. As I came down, I shot a plasma ball at a large building that I suspected was a structure that gave the humans a vantage point. Well, it was a good vantage point... Until I came along.

I was just gliding around when I felt a stinging pain all over body. Whatever it was, it wrapped itself around me. I started to fall towards the ground in a panicked state.

'WHAT IS GOING ON?!' I screamed in my mind. Before I could roar out for help, I felt myself whack into the hard earth.


I regained consciousness only to find myself in the middle of a forest. It was morning, and by this time I should have already been back at the nest. I panicked until I realised something. Not the fact that somebody shot down a Night Fury, but I was surprised to find my mind oddly calm. The Queen's voices were not there any more. Everything felt so quiet, I could actually appreciate the rustling of the leaves and the whistling wind. My mind was at piece.

Yet, I was still wrapped around the same ropes that dragged me down to earth and I could not move or free myself. My right wing was also had a stinging pain. It was excruciating, I had never before experienced such pain. Worse yet, I was stuck on top of my right wing, making it hurt even more.

A sad feeling took over me as I realised that I was now stuck on the ground, helpless. The humans would be here any second to finish what they started and take pride in killing the most feared of all dragons. I just lay there, waiting for them to appear.

I waited for an hour... then two... and still nothing.

I started to think that maybe the humans did not know about my location or that I was even down. That thought was quickly crushed as I found that I would starve. I could not break free of these shackles as much as I would try. Maybe if the humans killed me, they would be doing me a favour. At least I would not suffer for long.

I waited a little longer, enjoying the peace I had without the Queen's voice in my head and that was when I heard a figure emerge from the bushes. It was a human hatchling. It looked so scrawny... so weak...

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