Chapter 1. Safe

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Chapter 1


I have been many beings. I have been called many names. I have loved many times.

Only once have I been Human.

Only once had I this name.

The love I knew surpassed all others.


Her feet pounded against hard earth, rain dripping down her face as her heart hammered inside her chest. Sweat pouring off her body, she ran, pushing against the restraints that had always held her back, moving into the boundless surrounds.

She escaped.


He ducked, squeezing between the barriers and dodging the posts. His breath came in short bursts as his arms swung to a weary rhythm, driving all fears from his mind. He spilled into unrestricted endlessness.

He ran.


Almost away, she risked a glance back. There was nothing there; she was safe, they couldn't reach her.

He escaped the boundaries, glancing behind him. He couldn't see anything; he was safe, they couldn't hurt him.

They were so wrong.


'Don't be sad because of people; they all die.'


"Such a shame" Mai sighed, blue eyes glinting. "They could have become so much. Oh well. Goodbye little humansies"

"Mai! We have talked about this. You do not belittle lesser beings' lives," reprimanded Faron.

"What else am I to do, Faron? I am so bored. We are stuck here until they are gone. Why do the dominii even care about this planet anyway? It is weak in natural elements. We need no more land. The life here can hardly be considered intelligent enough to be even contemplated as slaves. And picking them off one by one? As much as I like it, you must admit, the dominus is being uncharacteristically malicious. Prolonging the inevitable will do nothing but slow us down."

"Mai, you know that the dominii have bigger plans for this world. It is not our place to question them."

"How can they expect blind adoration? I will not follow them! You know what happened to Faye's people."

"What happened with Faye was unexpected. How was anyone to know that their princess had accidentally stolen the crown jewels from the Tahleesa? It was anyone's mistake."

"You're joking right? How does one 'accidentally' steal anything? What happened to 'all knowing'? These poor, pitiable beasts, they are defenceless against even the weakest of foes. I will not take part in the annexing of their world."

"Oh come off it Mai. You say that now, but come two seasons and you will be laughing again as they run and try to escape our clutches." Mai smirked with contempt.

“Two seasons? You honestly think it would take two entire seasons for my dear sister to overcome such tragic becomings of a world? How could you be so inconsiderate? Why, I would wager she would be grieving for at least 5 more of these earthlings’ minutes! Oh these beings’ measurement of what they believe to be time is so obnoxious. A ‘year’ is one revolution of their planet around their star. Their ‘seconds’, ‘hours’ and month systems have almost no sense of order and they fit in an extra ‘day’ for them to compensate for being so primitive so as to not to follow exact measurements. Even their names for themselves as a species is arrogant; Homo Sapiens. The wise man.

“But, I digress. My dear sister, we all know you could care less about the humans. Pray tell, while your friend is recovering, why it is that you seem so compassionate towards this ‘insignificant’ planet?”

Mai scowled at the newcomer as Faron spluttered and tripped himself up in the process of falling to the ground in worship. Her big sister had that kind of influence over, well, everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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