MDITB: One Shot

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Seriously, what's wrong with bullying when you could have more fun? My mom always make it a big deal which is kind of annoying. She kept on reminding me about it, whether I tell her if I- wait what?- was bullied, or would tell me that I shouldn't hide something from her.

I mean, come on! I'm already in high school and I can handle myself! I'm beautiful, smart- ehem!- and popular. There is no way I'm going to be bullied. Why? Because I, Rebecca Fernandez, IS your one of a gorgeous BULLY!

Aside from that, I'm smart enough to turn the blame to others! Ha! With my mom's intelligent genes, to dad's- well...- good looks and slyness, I can live whatever way I can!

"Hey Rebecca! your best friend is here!" My Mom called out from downstairs. Ugh! You've got to be kidding me.

Correction, she- Stella Cross- was NEVER my best friend. She is just the daughter of Mom's best friend. Wait, did I forget something? Well yes, she is also actually my toy.


"Raquel, aren't you really busy? You seemed-" my best friend (from college. Never had even a friend in high school) told me but I cut her off.

"Oh, Susan don't be silly. I'm so glad you actually came. Stella, you can just come upstairs or it will take you an hour waiting for Rebecca." I said and she nodded silently.

Susan and I talked about random things until we came up to our kids. She said that Stella had been very quiet lately and that she's so worried.

"Well, have you asked her whether someone is bullying her or what?" I asked.

"Yes but she'd just... Y'know, change the topic." She sighed.

"Wait, maybe Rebecca can help her. They are friends after all. They can protect each other. What if we asked the teachers so that they'd be on the same class?" I suggested.


"No... No please. S-Stop." She cried at the corner.

I grabbed her face while glaring at her. "What? Did I just hear you complain? Shut that annoying mouth of yours or I'll... Hmm, let see. I could embarrass you on public? Put bugs on your locker? Or blame you for something I committed myself?"

"I... I 'm sorry." She said quietly.

"Whatever. Now, I want you to go down there with an evil smirk on your ugly face. Now, show me how you do that." I ordered.

She tried smirking but it won't actually scare a kid one bit. This stupid witch! I slapped her face softly then showed her how to do it properly.

After so many tries, she got it. "Good."


"Oh! Stella, where's Rebecca? Anyway, guess what? Your Mom and I agreed that from this coming Monday, you two will be on the same class. Isn't great?" I told her.

"What?!" She said, confused.

"Why darling? What's wrong?" Susan asked her daughter.

"Surprising. Anyway, I'm sorry Mom but I kind of feel sick. Can we just go home? I already told Rebecca." She said.


"What?!" I cried the moment my mom told me the news.

"Strange, the two of you reacted the same way. But, did you two have fun? Susan told me that she's bothered of Stella. She was always down and everything. We... Well, I need you to cheer Stella up and help here in some circumstances. After all- wait, are you crying?" My tears cut my mom's sentence off.

"I just... Never mind. Sure, I-I'll do it." Just as I was about to turn around, my mom caught my shoulder.

"Why? What is wrong Rebecca? Tell me." She said, looking at me in the eyes but I just looked to the side.


"Don't tell me it's nothing, Rebecca! What is wrong, tell me so I can help you."

I sniffed and bursted to tears. Good thing my mom took my little show. Let's see if she would still allow that witch in the same class- or even school as me.

"I... I'm sorry I didn't tell for so long. I was bullied. Always... By..." I paused and cried more to make it more believable. "S-Stella. Every time she would come here, she's always threatening me, like earlier. But this time, I told her I'm going to finally reveal everything and... This is what I got."

Using my make-up skills, I showed her fake bruises all over my arms. "Oh my."

"I'm sorry mom, I-"

"Shhh. Don't say anything. I am sorry for not noticing it in the first place." She pulled me into a hug and I let out a smirk... An evil one. "I'm going to call Susan for this."


"Wait a second. Are you accusing my daughter for bullying yours?! I can't believe this Raquel!" Susan blurted out as she stood a few feet from me.

"I'm sorry that it doesn't sound so good. But Rebecca already spoke up to me. She told me-"

"Told you what exactly?" We were both startled when somebody showed up.

"Tyron." Susan mentioned.

As far as I could remember, Susan said once that he's Stella's cousin. "Rebecca said that Stella has been bullying her for a long time."

With that, he laughed bitterly. "Really, huh? Well that's bullsh**! Sorry for being rude Aunt Susan, Miss. But, for Pete's sake! Do you see Stella that way?! Did you ever look at her in the eye? Did you ever see her genuinely smile? Just-"

"Tyron! Stop. Please." Stella cried from the stairs.

"No! It's now or never. Darn! I'm gonna shut my mouth before I could say something very rude. Just watch these damned videos." He said as calmly as he can be as he showed us his phone.

"Hey! Witch, come here." Rebecca called Stella.

"Y-yes?" As soon as she went near them, a very slimy goop just poured down to her from nowhere.

It was actually followed by a lot more videos of my... My... My daughter bullying my bestfriend's daughter. I couldn't help myself but cry. I never thought that she grew up like this without me knowing. Why? What did I do wrong?!

My legs weakened that I fell to the floor, crying. Susan comforted me as Tyron hugged Stella from the stairs. Rebecca...

I was bullied that I had this fear that my child will be like that. Who would have thought that I would raise... A daughter... Who is actually a bully.

What am I gonna do? What did I do?


A/N: This just actually came into my mind all of a sudden. So I needed some advice. What would parents do if they find out that their kids are bullies?

In case though, I am planning on making this story with several chapters. If not, then fine.


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