Chapter 28

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Chapter 28! Un-edited. I gave you guys a looonnnnggg chap so you won't be too upset if I don't update as often. :)

Feel free to message me or contact me about anything (Except read for reads, I have 4 already and I don't have much time to read them at the moment). Thanks! I love you guys!

Vote, fan comment. :D



"Ava!" Dana continues whispering to me while leaning over my stiff, frightened body.

My eyes are wide open but all I can see is darkness and all I can hear are Dana and Jared's worried voices. I want to yell, shout, scream and cry all at once but I think I've done too much of that. I try to move my mouth to talk but no sound comes out. What's wrong with me? I take rapid, shallow breaths as my chest constricts in pain. The thick, metallic liquid flows freely down my legs like a stream. And my hair covers most of my panicked face as it sticks to my still clamy skin. The blood, saliva, and cum on my lips have dried. And the tears in my eyes continue to spill over.

The pain in my broken hand and my private area is all I can feel. It went from a raging throb to an ongoing ache. And what's worse is the aches range from extremely painful throbs to mildly painful throbs. It's like a deck of cards, I don't know which one will come first.

"I think she's in shock. Just leave her alone for a while." Jared's soft voice emits through the basement.

"But if I do she could die."

"I want to." My weak voice whispers. If only they knew how bad I want my life to be over. My vision slowly comes back and I'm slightly relieved.

"Omg! You're alive!" She goes to hug me but I flinch away.

The look of sadness in her eyes hurts me more than rejecting her hug.

"I'll still be here." She lays beside me and gently places her hand across my stomach. It doesn't hurt as much anymore and I don't push her away.


"Y-yeah?" I feel small pain in my hand and it's causing me to stutter but I'm not going to tell them that.

"Remember that time we spray painted Mrs. Doyle's wig blue and everyone called her a smurf."

Yeah. We did because she gave us F's on our English papers so Dana got mad and had the bright idea to paint the lady's wig.

She gives me a goofy smile and we burst into laughter. I laugh so hard my stomach starts hurting again. Leave it to Dana to make me laugh. Everytime something bad happens Dana always stays positive. She has the same fate as me and she's the one making me laugh.

"You have a nice laugh." Jared speaks and we instantly stop.

"Who is that?" She whipers to me.

"I can hear you." He mumbles loudly.

"Then tell us your name." She retorts.

"Ladies first. Who are you?"

"This douche is about to get bitch slapped." She whispers to me and I hold in a chuckle.

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