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The ringing of my phone wakes me up which means I have to get ready for school. Super unmotivated to do so. But to be honest, I miss char and wonder how she's doing, I don't talk to her as often anymore, because I'm always hanging out with Taeyong. I pull out my phone to check my messages.

[1 unread message]

TY: good morning Mina let's walk to school together ok? I'll be waiting for u in front of the bakery

I just close my phone and start to get ready. I ordered a new lip tint and it arrived yesterday, so I'm excited to use it today. I put the orange-red lip tint on my lips focusing on the inner area and blend it out so it gives a soft look. I'm not sure if this is too much for school but I find the color pretty cute. My uniform is already on "the chair" so I just grab that and put in on. Come on, don't act like you don't have at least one chair in your room that has a huge pile of clothes on it.
I grab a smoothie and make my way out. Today is the first winter day with snow. It's pretty but I just don't like being cold. Luckily I wrapped my huge scarf around my neck before I left. I'm scared of making Taeyong wait way too long in this cold weather so I start walking faster. In the distance, I already see him standing there, hands in his pockets, with a red nose and red cheeks.
"Taeyong!" I shout and he quickly turns his head.
"Mina! Good morning." He greets me.
"Good morning." I response with a smile plastered on my face.
Suddenly he starts sneezing 5 times in a row.
"Oh god, don't tell me you got sick because of yesterday." I look at him concerned.
"What? No don't worry I'm alright." He sneezes again.
"Oh man I told you that you should have kept on your jacket." I shake my head.
"It's fine, I'm just glad that you didn't get sick." He replies.
"Well I will be soon though if you don't stop sneezing on me, gross." I say jokingly. His eyes get big and he can't believe his ears.
"I was joking idiot, let's get going now before we're late." I laugh.

We start walking to school in the freezing weather and try to hurry up because we wasted a lot of time talking.
"Let's not skip today okay?" I suddenly ask out of no where.
"Okay, I wasn't planning on skipping today anyway." He answers.
"I hope my grades don't fuck up because of all this skipping." I worry.
"Don't worry Mina, and if you have problems I'll just study with you and teach you even better than the crusty teachers." He smiles. I smile back and nod.

Finally we arrive at the school. I already see Char so I just walk towards her and give her a tight hug.
"Mina oh my god girl where were you yesterday?" She asks whilst hugging me back.
"Oh yeah I was feeling sick so I went home." I quickly make up a lie.
"And Taeyong? I didn't see him either."
"He brought me home because he didn't want me to go alone, in case I pass out or something." I nodded whilst telling her lies. I actually wouldn't have a problem to tell her the truth but I don't know if Taeyong would so I just lied. I'm not going to hell because of emergency lies, right?

Suddenly the bell rings and I already turn around to walk to the class but Char holds my hand and I just look at her with a confused face expression. "Can we talk later?" She asks with her eyebrows raised.
"Sure, see you in the cafeteria!" I response nicely.
She waves whilst me and Taeyong are going to our class.

We couldn't sit together because there weren't to free seats next to each other so we just randomly sat down anywhere. The teacher comes in and everyone stands up to greet her. We're doing math and I think everyone already knows how I feel about that subject. I barely pay attention but feel someone's eyes on me, I turn my head a bit and see Taeyong smiling at me. I smile back with a "Why?" look on my face. Suddenly the teacher asks him to solve a math problem and he just looks really lost at first, but luckily is able to solve the problem without making the teacher wait. I cover my mouth to hold in my laughter. He shakes his head and looks down at his table with a smile still plastered on his face. What a dumbass, but also really impressive how he was able to solve the math problem that quickly, I wouldn't have been able to do it that fast.

The math class is over and now we're having a break. I make my way to the cafeteria since Char wanted to tell me something there. This time I see her alone, without Dean. She sees me and waves at me to come to the table she's sitting at.
"I'm here" I say with a smile.
"Sit down, I'm nervous." She covers her face with both of her hands.
"Oh my god is it that bad? What happened?" I get concerned about her, oh my god is she fine?
"Nah don't worry nothing bad happened, I just don't know what the fuck to do." She rests her cheek on the palm of her hand and sighs.
"I'll help, what is it?" I just try to get her to tell me what's on her mind.
"I think I'm developing feelings for Dean, oh my god I feel embarrassed I should stop." She hides her face.
"Oh my god you're such a cutie! Awww my Char is in love~" I cover my mouth and smile because of the cuteness.
"Ok but what if he doesn't like me back, ahh I don't know what to do."
"Shut the fuck up I bet he's so thirsty for you, how are you supposed to know."
She bursts out laughing at my unexpected response.
"It's true! Should I maybe ask him for you?" I try to make the situation easier for her.
"Okay but not today, I'm not ready yet." She answers shyly.
"Alright, just tell me when you're ready." I smile at her and she smiles back. The break is over and we say goodbye to each other. Char seems to be really thankful for my help, she said thank you a good ten times before I left the cafeteria.

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