Chapter 1

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"But Father, this is not fair. You cannot force me to marry any man. I don't even know who this person is. It is not right to marry someone that you have never met," pleaded Colette. Her father replied sternly, "Colette Lévesque, you cannot act like this. Your manners and the tone of your voice is not acceptable. I do not want to raise my voice. The decision has been decided and the proposal was accepted. The groom-to-be and both families agreed so yes, this marriage has been confirmed. You will meet your future spouse tomorrow evening during supper at the Beaumont's place." Colette snapped, "Father, you do not know what the word 'love' means. Your definition is 'Go get married and have a family of your own'. But love should be picked by oneself." Colette's father was shocked to hear his daughter's reply. "Enough of this nonsense, into your room!" he exclaimed. Colette opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "You heard what your father said, listen to him dear. I do not want to hear so much screaming in this house. Now please excuse me, I cannot be late for my evening tea and chat," Colette's mother said. Colette was hysterical. She stomped up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door behind her. Gods, Father said both families and my "future spouse" agreed on the marriage; but what about me?

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