Thank you Mr. T

16 4 0

Age: 10

When I was in fourth grade, I was fortunate enough to have a teacher as sweet and kind as him. Sense me and my friends were all in different class rooms, he would play and talk to when we had indoor recess. He also would never raise his vocie, and actually that worked out better then you would think- it seemed to me that my class was always the most trouble making, wich is was I was kinda surprised when suddenly the class would just stop talking and pay attention.

I was actually placed right infront of his desk- but as a result of that I might of- might of useally always played with his stuff....well more of the schools but still it was on his desk so..... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. What I find weird though is that he's currently in the same school as all my friends..... at least I know that one teacher will be good to them.

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