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To think two months ago, he was a fresh faced high school graduate, ready to be a university student. His excellent grades had gotten him a full ride to a decent school in the capital city. He hadn't thought too much about how life would be different away from his parents. All he needed to do was get good grades to maintain his scholarship. Unfortunately, he didn't re-think that maybe going to a college party every weekend is actually not a good idea. So he indeed went to every college party during the first few months of the semester. Off-campus, on-campus, outside, inside – he was there. The result being loads of 'friends' and a certain reputation for being a Fun Freshman, but his grades were atrocious. His low GPA kicked him out from the scholarship and his parents were furious. They said they would pay for some of his college tuition, but suggested he find a job to pay the rest and for him to have spending money.

Part-time jobs only pay so much.

In the end, he found a job much more worthy.

A couple of 'friends' helped him out by exchanging easy handjobs and blowjobs for cash. Then one mentioned how he could be making much more for doing other things. Well that friend said it while shit-faced drunk and Jungkook was no way interested in doing other things with him. But the idea remained in his mind for a while. He casually asked around. Turns out a 'sugar daddy' is a real thing.

"Yeah, I know this rich guy." Hoseok gave Jungkook a look as if to say it's a total bad idea. The upperclassman was a dancer like Jungkook. He was someone Jungkook looked up to and probably was his only real legitimate friend. No one else helped him the time when he was passed out in a bathroom filled with booze. Everyone else was too drunk to care or just didn't care. Period.

"And. Tell me about this guy." Jungkook twirled the straw around in his banana smoothie. It was melted and all liquid-y now.

"Well he's an upperclassman like me. He's a year older, really into music. We're kind of friends."

"Kind of?"

"Yeah to be honest, he has like two friends to my knowledge. At any given moment, he's either with Taehyung or Namjoon."

Jungkook slurped up the smoothie remains. He didn't know of Taehyung or Namjoon nor did he care to inquire further. Unless they were as rich as the guy Hoseok is talking about, he had little interest.

"Oh? Mhm. Tell me more about 'this guy' though. What's his name? Or does he not have a name?"

Hoseok looked around conspiratorially and leaned in. His eyes were comically large as his whispered "Suga". Jungkook blinked. The name didn't sound like something he's heard before or a person that he's met.

"What does that mean? Is he a foreigner or something?"

"Oh no. He's Korean. But, like, that's his alias or whatever. I don't know why or how he got that name." Hoseok winked. Jungkook didn't have a clue what Hoseok was implying, but he figured he'll find out later. That is if he gets to meet this 'Suga'.

"So. How can I meet him, Hoseok? God. You're making this out to be like the biggest secret of the century or something!" Jungkook huffed a bit. He had his least favorite class, Calculus, soon and he just wanted to get the details and go. Hoseok was hyping up this Suga guy too much.

Hoseok only laughed. "You're such a cutie, Jungkookie." He reached over to tap Jungkook's cheek. Hoseok could be so touchy sometimes. "I'll give you his number. Just tell him you need 'some financial help' and that you know Hoseok. He might not answer right away because that's how he is. But he'll get back to you within a week's time."

Jungkook watched Hoseok scribble out the phone number on a napkin. Once he received the napkin, he abruptly got up from his seat. "Okay, thanks hyung. Bye."


The day Jungkook spoke with Hoseok he had contacted Suga. And sure enough, it took the mysterious man six days to contact him. Suga called him on the phone; skipping the formalities in favor of ordering Jungkook to meet him at a diner the next day. Suga's voice did not match his appearance. From the phone call, Jungkook had expected a tall tough broad-shouldered man dressed in a suit. Instead Suga was on the short side. He had blond hair with dark roots, and wore tight jeans with holes at the knees.

"So all I have to do is whatever you want and you'll pay me?"

"Yes." Suga's hands were folded over the table. He eyed Jungkook carefully.

"What is my job title exactly? I need to know what to put on my resume?" Jungkook joked.

"Well I'd say you're my assistant."


Being Suga's assistant entailed a list of things. From washing his week old clothing to having to cook him breakfast and delivering it to him at his 9AM class. It was all fun and games with most tasks being as simple as tidying up the older man's apartment. But when the semester ends, Suga slyly announces he'll be paying Jungkook more money. Jungkook is curious though Suga said that he'll find out soon enough.

Summer session came and went. He mostly spent it lying on the beaches of Busan soaking up the sun with his parents. His parents were still pissed about him losing the scholarship, but they lighten up when he showed them his semester scores: An A, a few B+'s, and a C (in calculus of course).

white lines, pretty baby [bts ; sugakookie]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt