We search for love (A changed definition) maybe it's in front of us

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There are so many people that exist
Yet I find myself staring in the eyes of 1 chick
Sacrificing my heart
Yet knowing, in return I might get nothing

Yes, most of us niggas are selfish
But those of us who try to be different
Have had to carry a heavy weight of expection, that" eventually he will cheat"
So eventually we find our self resting in the same messed up reputation

Whether girl or boy, at one point we were all kids
Couldn't wait to experience this love they preach of so sweet
In churches or when your cousin said it
When mom told you that "all of us have soul mates"

Yet most of us have never experienced it
Stripped away so quick, was our innocence
Some of us just decided to get rid of it
Because we no longer wanted to be seen as virgins

Girls do cheat
But guys will always be seen as the villians
When the true reality is
All of us are victims

Now I don't know the chances, that you are my soul mate
Nor the fact that in the end, both of us might regret this

I just know that this is the closest thing to love, I've tasted

WORDS THAT MODEL OUR LOVE INTO LIFE. When You Not Here To TouchWhere stories live. Discover now