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It's Christmas Eve and I woke up to all three babies crying for a different reason but when I picked up Adelyn the pain in my back and stomach was that bad I screamed and started crying.

(Rhett's mom's pov)
I woke up to screaming and go to where Rhett was and I hear him crying and the babies are also.
I immediately call link and he is on his way over and he comes in five minutes.
I ask Rhett what's wrong and he tells me his back and stomach and I get Jim to get the car started so we could go to the emergency room.

When we arrive a the emergency room and Rhett could barely talk he was in that much pain.
We got in the hospital and nurses were questioning him and he couldn't speak because he was in that much pain so they got him on pain medication and the tests came back and he had a kidney infection.

(Rhett's Pov)
I got the prescriptions filled and I'm going back to my parents house.
When I made it back in the house I seen Cole and Link trying to get the babies to stop crying and they stopped as soon as they seen me they stopped.

I fell asleep as soon as I sat down and when I woke up my mom said we were going to link's and I just followed.

(At link's)
I carried in Adelyn and Shailyn and my mom carried in James.
This was a tradition of ours to go to link's house on Christmas Eve.
We did our little gift exchange and we read the night before Christmas.

This was emotional for me because last year I was cuddling with my wife with my boys on each side of us reading the book that was a tradition to read since we were little.
This year I was cuddling three babies reading the book to not only my three babies but to my family in heaven.
This year I also have a kidney infection and my depression still there.

I put the babies in their carseats and put them in the car.
I get back to my parents house and take
James, Shailyn and Adelyn out of their car seats and they are wide awake.
I look in the diaper bag and see the night before Christmas book and I look into it and remembered all the times my family and I have read this book.

I distracted myself by getting the babies to sleep and when I did I was looking at the ceiling trying not to break down but I didn't this time.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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