Fail #23

22 1 0

Random Number

Receiver: You slut.. I hate ur guts.. u ave ruined my lyfe. y did u ave 2 sleep wiv my man?? we was soo happy til u came along :( your dead if I c u..

Texter: *sighs* ok where shall I begin.. your* you* have* life* why* you* have* to* with* were* until* you* you're* see* you* Gosh did you even go to school?

Receiver: WTF?? Who do YOU think YOU are? Your dead meat bitch 

Texter: You're**


Texter: By the way you have the wrong number.. I just thought I would give you an english lesson.. I'm not surprised your boyfriend cheat on you :)

Hilarious Text Conversations- Wrong PersonWhere stories live. Discover now