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This story is relevant to Little Kuriboh's abridged series to Yu-Gi-Oh!, but will have nothing to do with the actual canon show (the original show by 4Kids!).

YGOTAS can be found on YouTube, do not watch if you're younger then 13, speaking of which, why the shit are you here? Also, currently there's 70 episodes as of today when I'm writing this.

Warning!: I'm tired. Weird shit happens when I'm tired. This story will have abuse in it, sorry kiddos, no children who will be emotionally scarred here! To adults who have children; why? Don't let your children read this shit. Dammit my bad habit of swear words are bad. Bad for children. Keep children away. Very bad children.

Pretty much I kinda own the story line but the characters, their personalities and that stuff I don't own obviously. Hail Kiba.

Oh, and don't blame me if their OOC, I'm tired and writing this bullshit. I want to write something abusive. No, I'm not a masochist, I do not derive sexual pleasure from pain, I just like seeing train wrecks of shit. Also, I think Melvin x Ryou (DeathShipping) would be more abusive to Marik x Bakura (ThiefShipping), hence the DEATH part of the shipping. Remember, Melvin is a fucking insane bastard that I think is just a cute, psychotic puppy. <3

I do NOT encourage violence in any way, shape, or form. Abuse is a subject that should not be taken lightly. If you, a loved one, or a friend have been abused, I recommend to reach out to anyone, such as the police, for help. I know a couple of people, personally, who have been, or been exposed to, one or many types of abuse, any type of abuse can effect anyone at any age. Once again, abuse is a subject that should not be taken lightly.

Blah, blah, blah, boring words, blah.
Yes, I just did bold every curse word. I can do what I want. I also used the underline, italics, and bold improperly, but proper grammar has remained. It's my writing, no one can make me change. Be offended Tumblr. Be very offended.

Oh look, a fluffed pillow.

The Scars that Remain (DeathShipping)Where stories live. Discover now