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The air, sun, sand, and even my own breath, is dry. Dirt sticks. Almost like mud. It cracks and taters my clothing and skin. My eyes can barely open. The world seems to be only hot and sand. It hurts. Red hot pain. I can't take this much more. I might die.
Well. This is going to be a short life. Might as well go down knowing. Right. Just keep walking. One more step. Lift the other. Again. Just keep moving. Where was I going again? I don't feel well. Water? O please let it be water.
No. It's just sand. Just keep walking. One more step. One more. One more. How many more steps? 100000? 1000? 100? 10? O. Who knows. Just one more. I can't do think much longer.
I.. dark? Out of the sun. I'm out. Looking up? My neck hurts from looking down. Why do that? It's a shadow. You know that. One more step. Not a fall. But I just did.
I'll get up. No. I can't get up. I'll just sleep. If I can.
Close eye. That's not hard. But.. 
Car? Voices? The world is going back.
X? Who is X. Is that me? I don't know. The sun is big. I'm so small.
Arms. I'm flying. No. I don't know.
The. Air. It's cool now. More talking. Can I sleep? Who is X?

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