Bad boy, pillow talk and sleep talk

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I fought against it hard enough to know that you'll love who you love.-John Mayer


Everyone's eyes turned to me as I rushed in the bus puffing and cursing under my breath after running for three miles straight in heeled shoes.

Stupid bus, stupid people, stupid heels and stupid friend.

Not long after I arrived did everyone start laughing at my condition.

Not only was I drenched in sweat but I was also smelling like a bitch that has been sprayed by a skunk.

Samuel bit his red lips to stop himself from laughing as he spoke.

"Uhm.....Zoe, I think you know that we are not going to any party or such stuff and the journey we are undertaking is kinda how to put it. Uhm.....World War Z" His brown eyes looked amused at my state.

Who wouldn't be?

Not every sensible girl wears floral white dress with heels and looks like a church-going girl for a trek; now would they?

Absolutely Freaking not!

" Whatever" I panted before tying my now left down hair into a pony.


" Zoe-y Tremblay.......don't be such a kitten. It's our last year for crying out loud. Please say yes!" The blue eye-d , blonde haired Satan's-daughter was on her mission ''convince-Zoe.''

" Nope. Besides, Mom wont allow me." I spoke, a bit hesitant of letting go of such an opportunity.

"Oh that bit......" I gave her a look that said 'better watch your words'.

"I mean that mother of yours all holy and what not. Why do you care about her shit? Now it's not a choice,your coming and that's final!" She stated trying her best not to curse.

" There's this new seminar on sunday so I highly doubt Mon would allow." I spoke while doing designs on my maths workbook.

"Oh you and y.....Wait there's a way............." She looked nervous,"It's easy............."

I motioned for her to continue.

She gulped.

" Run Away!"

End of Flashback


And here I am trying my best to look like Usain Bolt and failing miserably.

"Zoo here....." Called a familiar voice.

I looked back to see my best friend with a huge grin on her face as she started jumping like a chimp, pointing to the seat behind her.

Her blonde hair was braided and her blue eyes held a spark in them. Chloe Adams was the definition of perfect. With a perfect body she also had a perfect attitude while me with my black hair and brown eyes, I sure din't fit in that group. We were best-friends by chance not by choice.

She continued her weird monkey-talk as I rolled my eyes at her .My lips tilted to give a grin that resembled hers.I walked to her and crushed her in a bear hug.

"Zoo.....I love you too but stink like a dog so please leave me." I rolled my eyes at Coco as I released her.

She was kind, beautiful, kind and a fashionista while I was rough, nerd and a girl who wouldn't give a f*ck about anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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