Its started...

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Justin:hey Chanel
He come running up to me  from across the street when I  leave my house to go to school.
Me:"erm hey Justin?" You says looking around all confused
Ive never spoken to the twins across the street before  and I  wasn't  100% sure if that was Justin or Jason :/
Justin: look I know we have never really spoke but we have lived opposite each other for over 4 years now we should at least talk instead of the awkward stare every time we walk to school don't you agree?
He said giggly a little
And thats exactly what happened 2 years ago today, since then me and the twins have gotten pretty close  and to be honest I'm so glad Justin approached me that day: our  relationship is pretty strong nowadays.
But recently Jason is getting pretty strange after I found out about his criminal record a couple of weeks ago and it's kinda creepy.
I kinda love them both in an unbreakable way, Justin a little more though.
The next morning
I slam my locker door ready to go to bi,when I turn around Jason is standing there
Me:Oh hey Jason,you scared me a little.
Jason:come with me now.
Me:Jason what's going on??
Jason:just come with me NOW
I follow him to a room in the school I've  never seen before.
Me:Jason seriously what's going on where are we
Jason:get naked
Me:what no way Jason, I'm going back to my locker I have bi in 5 mins...
Jason: fuck me Chanel! I am not playing around ...
At this point i become kinda scared...
Me:Jason what's wrong with you? I am not going to fuck you I don't have them feelings for you:/
Jason grabs your wrist really tight you can't make him let go
Jason:Chanel,if you don't fuck me you will leave this room hurt
Me:Jason....please leave me alone...please


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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