Chapter 2

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(Just to let you know the story it practically Maddie's POV so yea)
"We're here Rayne wake up sweetie!" Mom says
"UHGG.. what time is it?"
"It's only 12:49" you say
(You guys get out of the car, and go to the back of the car to take out the boxes filled with your mothers, Raynes, and your clothes, then you head inside the house)
"How do you guys like it?" Mom ask again
"It already has all of our furniture here?!" Rayne says
"Yeah" mom says
"It's definitely alot bigger!" You say
"Yeah well you guys can get unpacking I'm going to order pizza for lunch."
"Okay" you say
(You and Rayne find your rooms and you drop your boxes by your bed and you start unpacking) *an hour later*
"Maddie there's someone at the door come down" mom says
(You rush down stairs head to the door you see a girl your age and her mom with a basket)
"This is my daughter Maddie" mom says
"Hi I'm Maelynn:)"
"Hi Maelynn!"
"Do you want me to show you around the neighborhood?"
"Sure" you say
"Okay well you girls go and have fun" her mom says
(You and Maelynn start walking down the sidewalk)
"So what school are you going to" she ask
"I'm going to the same one!"
*you and Maelynn keep talking for 30 minutes later*
"Since we are very close to the park do you want to go to the park"
"Yeah sure!"
(You guys head to the park and sit on the swings, you and Maelynn were talking until a little boy comes up to you.)
I made a new Chapter I think I'll post four chapters every day because there is a second part to this story so yea
Word count-300

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