The Knowledge

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Fawnbella's Pov:

I sigh as I read probably the 10th book of magic in the small library. Ever since this morning Simon came to get me to lead to me to this room to study magic and the realms. And let me tell you these books is no easy reading. Each book is about 700 pages or more on how many types of magic there is and how to control them, or which realm they came from and they ended up there, and also the history of it and the history of the whom has been born of magic and whom has been given that magic. It's just after noon and I haven't even begin my actual training with Mason who is currently with Miya who are doing their own research. I'm going to need a long night of beauty sleep after today. I sigh again, "Simon.. may we please take a small break from learning for a few moments?" Simon grins a small smile at me. "Alright dear one. We may take a small break. Why don't we go eat lunch since it is past noon?" I grin in glee and nod. "That would be great Simon."

We head to the dinning room and meet up with Mason and Miya. I walk in and Miya smirks over at me, "how was learning about our realms and magic?" I groan as she laughs lightly. "I may just hurt myself with all that knowledge" I say. "It's good to know all of it though Fawnbella" Mason says to me. I sigh and nod in agreement, "yes, I know Mason." He nods at me then we all sit at the table and eat our lunch for a few moments. "Why don't you train with me after you finish eating Fawnbella? So you can get a break from reading and increase your skill in fight?" "Sure Mason. That would be great" I say to him with a small smile. "It's settled then. Meet me in the fighting room after lunch. You'll have to change your attire though." I nod and finish my meal to head back to my room to change into more comfortable clothes and head to the fighting room to meet Mason.

I enter the fighting room to see mats on the floor, one wall is covered in weapons that I dare not touch, another wall is covered with mirrors. Then there's punching bags hanging from the celling, padded looking humans bodies to practice punching and kicking i'm guessing, and finally I turn my eyes to Mason who is standing there in an outfit which consists of long black pants, a white long sleeved shirt with patches of leather on his chest area and elbows, and black combat boots awaiting for my arrival. I tilt my head to the side slightly to the outfit choice then look down at my outfit to find the same things but of the women's version. Huh.. interesting. I walk over to Mason and wait for his instructions. "Alright i'll be showing you moves you can get out of then move on from there. Sound good?" I nod and wait for him to show the moves to me. He nods strictly to me and begins.

After hours of Mason showing me escape moves I lay on the mat sweating and trying to catch my breath. "Get up Fawnbella. We are not done." Mason urges. "May.. I...please.. take.. a rest?" I pant out in breaths. Mason eyes me for a moment before nodding and then sits down by me as I stay where I am still catching my breath. It's quiet for a moment till Mason turns to me with deep thoughts shinning though his eyes, "do you know your past Fawnbella?" He asks me quietly. I froze for a second before sitting up  and stare at the wall for a blank moment in thought. "No... I do not. I can not remember anything beyond waking up in a cold dark cell." "A cell?" Mason asks with a tilt of his head in confusion and thought. "Yes, I woke up in a cell not remembering how I got there and where I was before or I whom was with. Nothing. And after I woke up all I could hear unthinkable things you wish not to hear. It was a living nightmare down there. I would get beaten and be starved to almost death. I be tortured enough that I would black out to be awoken again to the sounds of  the screams of pain from the other cells. At times a man with blacken silver hair like it was ashed from a fire, blue eyes that would be cold as ice and there was a deep scar across the corner of his lips like he ate something to sharp... he was the most frightening man I've ever seen. Those days when he would come down there his whole demeanor would change. It was like suddenly he would be a block ice turned into an ice storm that never had an end, he was that cold and terrifying. He would always come and whisper in my ear that I was his." I flinch and shiver as I remember these moments. Mason eyes darken from my words. I did not say anything for I was to lost in those memories staring blankly and scared at nothing but the wall in front of me until I started shaking uncontrollably. "Fawnbella?" Mason asks worriedly. I shake even harder as the memories go deeper, surrounding me as black spots appear in my eyesight and begin to feel weak. "Fawnbella!!" I hear Mason yell as I feel him pick me up and run out the door calling for help.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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