Beautiful Yet Mysterious

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Once, a man bought a huge mansion. After he bought it, he disovered a small hole in the wall of his bedroom. He was about to complain to the ex-owner of the house but when he looked through the wall, he saw this beautiful girl with long brown hair, wearing a white dress. She was also dancing gracefully. The man was gazing at her thinking why is she so beautiful yet so mysterious?

The next day, the man looked through the hole again. She was still dancing as beautiful as ever. The day after that, he looked through the hole again but instead of seeing a graceful girl dancing, he just saw a bunch of red.

The next day, he looked once more. He still saw a bunch of red so he decided to complain to the ex-owner of the mansion.

He called the ex-owner and asked 'Why is there a hole in my bedroom! And why did I see a beautiful girl dancing but now I just see a bunch of red!'

Then, the ex-owner replied 'Oh, that's just my neice. She has long, brown hair and a white dress. Also she has red eyes...'


Imagine someone watching you.... Hehe

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