Something You Probably Missed

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I GUESS this COULD be considered a fan theory for DHIMS, although I'm really just pointin out a few things, then leavin it open for you to speculate.

So, let's start off by noticin a few things about Roy, also known as the Yellow Guy's dad. He clearly plays a larger role than most people give him credit for. First off, he can be seen in the background of a few scenes if you turn the brightness on your screen up. Second off, if you would watch the credits, at the end it thanks all those who supported the project '& Roy'. You can find Roy's name littered about on food products (eg. Roy's Oats, Roy's Flour, Etc.), and it truly becomes clear how important he is in episode 6, seeing how he interacts with Red Guy. In a interview with the characters and creator, Roy says DHMIS is supposed to be a punishment for his son, as his eyes have grown arrogant.

Next up, what exactly is going on in DHMIS? Let's take this episode by episode.
Episode 1- Creativity: Closer to the end of the episode, the style changes from live acting (Red Guy) and puppets (Duck, Yellow Guy, Notepad) to animation. The view whirls around the room, and all three of the characters are shown to be starin at a few cameras and a clipboard, much like they were actin on a show.
Episode 2 - Time: When the clock comes to life, Red Guy looks directly at the camera and says in a really obvious way, "What is that?", kind a like an audio que.
Episode 3 - Love: Around the middle of the episode, Duck looks straight at the camera and says, ".... Now that we've finished the chicken picnic." Closer to the end, Red Guy looks straight at the camera and says, "It must be because we love you."
Episode 4 - Internet: At the beginning, Red Guy makes several ques to the globe, with Duck even joining. They both seem genuinely surprised when the computer comes to life. Red Guy even tries to get the computer to stop talking by continuously interrupting him and pointing out the fact that they already have a different computer that they use. He even goes as far as pressing buttons on his keyboard. At the end, Red Guy leaves the original set and walks onto a new one with much cheaper props. His mind is literally blown.
Episode 5 - Healthy Eating: When Duck is tryin to run away, he knocks over a camera. This shows they aren't in a normal house, but rather on a set. Calls are received throughout the episode, and Red Guy is seen leaving a phone booth at the credits.
Episode 6 - Dreams: Red Guy finds a large machine, that seems to edit things that happen in Yellow Guy's room. He then, quite literally, pulls the plug. The series restarts, only there are less props, it's the 20th, and everyone is their favorite color. Yellow Guy also has a photo album, with a picture of Red Guy graduating and possibly leaving for collage. This is a common excuse for why a character might suddenly disappear from a TV series.
Overall: Everything the side characters say is confusing or incorrect. They try to dumb down complicated topics, like a kid's TV show would.
Perhaps DHMIS is saying something about kid's shows or TV in general?

A few small things to note are the date (June 19th, 1955), the place (Britain), and a few things the creators did (turn down opportunities to put their show on TV and make a profit). Money is hinted at several times throughout the series, with just small details in the background.

Now that you are more educated on DHMIS, you can make your own fan theory? After all, creator Becky did say she loves all the theories, and they are ALL right.

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