Part 1

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Emma's Pov

Long ago a child was born and that child was called Emma now that child is 18 years old with 2 parents to care for her and love her and a baby brother for her to care for and she is currently 7 months pregnant with the dark ones son Neal's baby who is at the minute back at his fathers castle trying to convince him for me and him and the baby to have our own palace like our parents do and right now I am trying to convince my parents of the same thing while my baby dug around in my womb and my brother was in bed up in his room.

Mum, dad please just let me do this one thing I want my child to have a home to call theirs not their grandparents and my dad said no Emma you are not moving out until we know that the evil Queen is done punishing you for our mistake and I said yeah well I'm not putting my future on hold just because some old angry witch is after me I'm moving out and that's that and I walked away from my parents and walked towards the door while my parents where shouting after me and when I got to the door I felt the whole castle shake and I heard my dad shout we are under attack battle stations everyone.

After a minute or two both my parents came over to me and mum said before I could speak we know your sorry but right now we have no time and then dad said we need you to do us a favour Emma bee and I gulped and waited with my hand resting over my tummy on my baby and then dad said we need you to go get Neal from his room and get him as far away from here as you can and I said no but dad and mum said no butts we will see you again Emma bear but you must keep Neal and your baby safe now go and I gasped and said ok ok fine but what about you both and dad said we must fight but we will be fine now go.

So then I said fine and I hugged them both tightly and said I love you and I ran out of the thrown room and ran towards my brothers room while grabbing a sword and fighting my way up to my baby brother Neal's room who must be scared shitless right now and by the time I got to Neal's room I had fought and killed 20 men all while protecting my baby with my other hand and once I got to Neal's door I kicked it open and I looked and looked around the room until I saw Neal in a corner crying and shaking really bad so I walked up to him carefully and I bent down as best a I could.

Then I said Neal bro you ok and Neal looked up and once he saw me he jumped into my arms and started crying and as he did I rubbed his head and said as I stood up with Neal in my arms on my hips shhhh Neal it's going to be ok I'm going to get us out ok I promise you I won't leave I promise ok and Neal just nodded his head and hugged me tighter and so I said ok now we need to go no matter what you do don't look up no matter what you see or hear ok and Neal said ok Emma I'm scared and I sighed and said I know me too but we have to be brave ok and Neal said ok and so then I walked out of his room and walked towards my parents room to grab money for us to live on while fighting off more people with my sword with Neal still in my arm.

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