Chapter 4

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This is for @future_star01 :) Hi dear! x Hope you support this 'til the end. :)

* Woke up early for this \m/ Jordan Carter is seen in the multimedia :)


My bestfriend is sort of shouting at me at this moment. She is in our house to style up for the party later. My mom? She's not here. Maybe she's looking for a job too. My mom may not be the best mom but she takes good care of me. she's very responsible. Without her vices.


Okay, she's really shouting this time. I cover my ears with my hands and make faces. Haha. I am such a meanie :p

"Kelsey! You've got to wear this to the party."

"Negative. Not a chance!"

"And why?" I hastily added too, with one arm on my waist.

"Because it's a party!" she emphasizes.

So, if it isn't clear to you. We are fighting over what I should wear to the party. Well, I am currently wearing my usual outfit: white shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. But she begs to differ!

"And so?" I shot angrily at her.

"You can't just wear your usual. You have to dress up sometimes, Kel."

"It's not my thing, Adie."

"Geez, please? Pretty pretty please with cherries on top?"

Urg, Adie uses her charms. Not fair!!!

"Fine! On one condition!"

"Yipee!" she claps "What's that?"

"As long as I get to wear my sneakers with it."

She grins, "Deal."

I just accepted the fact that there's no changing Adie's mind that's why I agreed to her. Anyway, it's not that I don't really wear a dress. I'm still a girl and I think it's part of us to have at least one in our wardrobe. I only wear them to church tho and not to parties. But oh well, you gotta put yourself in the real world sometimes.

We arrived at the party at exactly 8 in the evening. The place is freaking huge!! I'm not surprised though, Adie's family is wealthy and I have no doubt that her cousin's is too.

What took me aback was that the party is actually mellow. The atmosphere is so serene. No red cups, no wild music, no drunk visitors. It's like a royal ball.

As we make our way to the hall, I noticed that mostly seniors are there and just a couple from the other levels. I assumed then that her cousin is a senior.

"Where's your cousin?" I asked Adie.

She shrugs, "Probably waiting for the others before showing up."

"Oh" was all I can say until the song I'll Be started playing.

The people then started pairing up and slow dancing in the open space. Even my bestfriend is there! So I slowly danced to, without any partner. OKAY KIDDING. I slowly made my way to a vacant table.

From there, I observed everyone in the room. They're formally dressed. Girls with their cocktail dresses and boys with their tuxedos. No wonder Adie was so pushy back then. I feel embarrassed now with my plain white dress I wore with my red converse.

Since I was all alone and have nothing to do, I pulled out Everyday (a book by David Levithan) from my handbag. I was about to read when I heard a male's voice. I recognized it immediately.

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