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James's P.O.V.

This week we have a fair (A/N Do you call it like that?) in our town. West, Giselle, Chloe, Eldon, Riley and I are planning on going. The thing is I know that there will be alot of alcohol and Riley gets really emotional when she's drunk, so hopefully it will not be that bad.

I am on my way to pick up West. When I get there he get's in the car, and I can hear the sound of two glass bottles in his backpack.
"So I hear, that you are prepared for tonight?" I ask sarcastically
"Sounds like it, and it's not like you are not going to drink" he tells me raising his eyebrows.
"Actually... I am not, I will bring Riley home."
"So you're not drinking just because of Riley?" he asks, clearly shocked.
I nodd in agreement.
"Bro, you're totally whipped" he laughs
"And you are totally jealous" I reply laughing.

After ten more minutes of casually talking and joking around about random things, we arrived at the fair. As I got out of the car I looked around to see if I the others are anywhere near, but I don't see them. That's when I get a message from Riley.

R: We are at the small lake near the harbor, when will you guys be here? ❤

J: We just arrived. Give us 5 minutes, babe ;D ❤

R: You will regret calling me like that...

J: I am pretty sure I don't :D

R: I hate you...

J: No you don't ❤

R: ...

J: Riles, I know you love me :*

R: Shut up and hurry up!

J: Come on!

R: I love you.

J: I know ^^

R: Idiot! ❤

J: Your Idiot ❤

R: That's right ❤

J: You're such an angel, honey ❤

R: Whatever... we are waiting :D

J: Yeah we are coming, see you!❤

R: Looking forward to it❤

"Hey West, the others are at the lake. Let's GO!"

Riley's P.O.V.

Giselle, Chloe, Eldon and I are sitting on the grass at the small lake, just talking and of course catching up about the new gossip. Eldon is actually pretty good at this.
"So did you text James and told him where we are?" Giselle asks me.
"Yeah, he said that they're on their way."
"Who is on their way?" someone says behind me, I immediately know who it is.
I turn around to see James and West standing behind us.
West goes over to Eldon to do his bro thing handshake shit I know nothing about. I thought James would go over too, but he didn't.
Instead he sits next to me. "Hey Girl" he says before kissing me softly. "Hey" I reply after we pull apart. I smile at him, looking in his beautiful eyes.
"Hey Jiley, you're not alone" West shouts at us.
"And you're still jealous." James says back and everybody laughs at that comment.
"So we wanna catch up with the basketball team of our school, later tonight. You're cool with it?" Chloe asks the boys and both nodd, but I can tell that James isn't so happy about. I grab his hand to show him that everything is okay, even tho I don't know what his problem is.
"So guys, how about a drink?" Eldon shouts exciting, and we all agree with this idea.

James's P.O.V.

It is 10pm now and what can I say, pretty much everyone is drunk.... really drunk. And here comes the worst part, we are now meeting the basketball team. Yay.
It is not like I like them, but in my eyes some of them are way to focused on Riles, my Riles. Don't get me wrong, I am not the jealous type of boyfriend and I can totally understand why they're looking at her like that... she's gorgeous, but some of them are trying to get close to her and that is the thing I really don't like. It is actually really good that I am not drunk, because I am pretty sure I wouldn't behave that well.
After we found the team, we decided to stay at the fair for a while. Everybody is dancing and trying to talk with eachother over the loud bad music that is playing.
Suddenly I look around to see if Riley is still by my side, and what a surprise she isn't... Another thing about drunk Riley is that she has 3 phases. 1. The happy Riley, where everything is totally normal with her and you can't even tell that she's drunk. 2. The run away Riley, this is actually the hardest one, because she decides to go anywhere she wants. And last 3. The really really emotional Riley. I think I don't have to explain that one.
Right now we are in phase número dos... 'The run away Riley'.
"Hey... did you see Riley anywhere?" I yell at Chloe, hoping she understands me. She nodds and points at the shore. I mouth 'thank you' and go over to look where she is.
That's when I see it.... she is sitting at a rock... beside her some boy from the basketball team. I can tell that he's trying to get closer to her, and he is way to close already. Just a moment later he leans in to kiss her. Riley tries to move away, but he doesn't let her.
"Hey leave her alone." I shout while running over to them. He pulls away and I glare at him.
"Don't you dare try to touch her again" he looks kinda scared and runs away.
I sit next to Riley and she falls into my arms crying... phase 3 I guess.
"I am so sorry.... he was just there, I didn't know that he ..... that he was trying to kiss...me" she sobbed into my hoodie. I lay my arms around her and kiss her head. "It's not your fault" I tell her.
"Yeah it is... I don't deserve you!"
"Hey, don't say that! You're the best thing that has ever happened to me!"
She looks up at me. "I love you so much, James!"
"I love you too!"
She holds my face in her hands and starts kissing me. I kiss her back while putting my hands on her waist. We kiss for about 3 minutes before pulling apart.
"You wanna go home?" I asks her and she nodds. I link our hands and we walk to my car, well I tried, but having a girlfriend who couldn't walk or think straight, this was a lot harder that I thought. But eventually we made it to my car and are now driving to Riley's house.

At her house, I walk her inside and into her room, putting her on her bed.
"Thank you" she says half asleep.
"No problem" I whisper back. I kiss her forehead and made my way to her door.
"James wait... Can you stay here?" she asks innocently, I smile to myself and reply "Yeah of course!" I walk back to her bed and lay beside her. Riley snuggles into me.She lys her head on my chest and I put my arm around, and eventually we both fell asleep.

Riley's P.O.V.

I wake up laying in my bed. Wait! How did I get here?
Then it hits me, the events from the last evening. I turn around to see James laying next to me, I smile. I decided to not waking him up, but instead taking a quick shower. I stand up and go to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower I put on a top and my sweatpants. But I wouldn't be a good girlfriend if I didn't stole at least one of James's Hoddies, so I put his ggrey one on too. I walk back in my room, seeing James still asleep. I lay next to him, putting my arms around me, closing my eyes.
I am just so thankfull to have this boy, he is my life.

A new update! I hope you guys like this one :D
It is not proofread.

So I just saw the Season 4.5 Trailer and I wanna hear all of your theories, so share them with me in the comments.


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