Locked In the Bathroom

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A/N: Oi, lads and lassies!(lolz-my 'amazing!' attempt to act British ;) )

@ultimatelyNialler here once again!!!!! It's been so loooong since we updated I just thought that maybe we could just let the comments go this time. However, we REALLY love your feedback! So comment as much as u can!! lolz


~Niall's P.O.V~

"Niall, something's wrong with Carissa!" I listened as Danielle told me her story.

Once she was done, I gave a quick "I'll be there" and left the house. I arrived and, as fast as I could, ran up stairs to meet a worried Danielle.

" How long do you think she's been in there?" I asked.

" I don't know. She was crying though. She stopped right before you got here. I don't know what she was doing; the door' s locked so I couldn't get in. Do the ink maybe sh-"

I interrupted her. I knew exactly what she did. " do you know if there's a key or something anywhere?"

"Not that I know of," she replied.

I started banging on the door, hoping maybe I could knock it down or something. I let out all my sadness and frustration out with each bang until the door finally came down. Moving it out of the way, I stepped inside the bathroom. The sight was horrendous. Blood covered the floor, and there near the corner lay Carrissa, in a puddle of her own blood, still flowing from her wrists.

"Dani, call an ambulance and then get me some kind of bandage! Quickly!"

I heard Dani' s reply but it sounded so far away. A walked over and sat down by Carrissa, putting her head in my lap. I began to cry. I cried my heart out until the ambulance arrived and took her away from me.

~Louis' P.O.V.(hehe just thought I'd throw in some of Louis' perspective on the situation lol)~

Niall came home with dragging feet and tears in his eyes. I was thinking maybe I should check on him, considering he's been upstairs for forever and I haven't heard anything from him. I decided to do just that. I picked myself up off the couch and headed upstairs. I looked in all the rooms and found Niall in his bed staring at the wall opposite me. I made my way over to him and sat at the edge. He stirred and turned to face me.

"Hey," I said softly, " what's up?"

He remained silent.

" Come on, Ni, you can tell me whatever is on your mind. I'm here for you."

He gave in and began to speak. " Carrissa's in the hospital. It's my fault she's there," he said, looking anywhere but at me.

" Niall, look at me," I told him, but he wouldn't. "It's not your fault. The fans did this. They were the ones who criticized her and her actions. Don't blame yourself. Now get down to that hospital and be there when she wakes up.


A/N: SORRY for the super shortness! I just wanted to make a quick update to get back on track.

Well yay! Louis' point of view! What you guys think!???


luv ya people!!!!!!! lolz

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