Chapter Four: Cold Ones Meet Original Vampires

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Previously on,

"It's not your fault Ethan." I said and suddenly they all stood up. "Someone's here." Erica said. I walked over to the window and looked out to see Edward and Alice walking up to the door.
"It's OK. Its just Edward and his sister" I said and went to let them in.

Third Person P.O.V.

Bella opened the door as Ethan, Benny, Sarah, and Erica looked at Edward and Alice. Edward looked at Ethan before he looked at Bella. "Who are they?" Everyone noticed that Edward was tensed and Ethan held his hands up slightly, walking over to Bella. Edward took notice and in one swift movement he had Ethan pressed against the wall, his hand wrapped around his throat. "Who are you?" Edward asked threateningly. "Edward, stop. Let him go. He's my cousin." Bella said, as Ethan was pulled into a vision again.

Ethan watched how Edward was turned into a vampire and how he rebelled and drank human blood. He watched Edward's life play out all the way up to where they were now. He pulled away from the vision as Benny and Sarah tore Edward of him.

He once again fell to his knees that vision shaking him to the core. "Ethan!" Benny rushed over to him. Ethan seemed to be out of it. "Damnit, E... Snap out of it." Benny said, biting into his wrist and putting it up to Ethan's mouth. "Come on Ethan you have to drink." Sarah grabbed Ethan's hand and watched as Ethan slowly responded back,drinking silently until he pulled back. "What happened?" He asked breathlessly.

"You had a vision again when Edward was choking you. You were out of it for 5 minutes. Benny had to feed you his blood to get you to come back. Are you alright?" Sarah asked. Ethan looked up to see Erica and Rory baring their fangs at Edward and stood up. "I'm fine. Its OK. Erica and Rory you can stop." Ethan said. Bella glanced at her cousin and turned on Edward. "Why did you do that? If you had given me a second I would've told you."

Edward looked at her. His once golden eyes now pitch black. "They're vampires Bella." He said. Alice looked at Ethan curiously. "You have visions too?" She asked. She was the only known vampire to have visions and it surprised her.

"OK, so they might be vampires but he's my cousin. Benny is practically my brother. What were you going to do. Kill them?" Bella asked. Edward looked at them. "Yes, Bella. OK. I didn't know they were your cousin and 'brother'. I'm sorry. I apologize for hurting you Ethan." Edward said holding his hand out for Ethan to shake.

"Yes I have visions. And don't want to seem rude but I think I had enough visions for one day thank you." Ethan said, looking at Bella. "I'm gonna go get us checked into a hotel. Tell Uncle Charlie I said hi." Ethan said before they all left. Once they got into the cars and got checked into the hotel Ethan started pacing. "Something seemed wrong about that guy." Ethan said. "I agree. They totally seemed weird and they spelled gross. Like sickily sweet. It hurt my nose." Erica said.

"Did you see the way he said that we're vampires. Like he thought we were a threat to her. Something is going on here in Forks. I know I said I'd only stay a few days but I'm staying until I figure out what's wrong. You guys can go but I'm not letting anything happen to Bella or Charlie." Ethan said. Benny grabbed his hand. "I'm not leaving either. Bella is like my sister." Benny said. Sarah looked at them and sighed. "I'm not leaving you guys alone. I'm staying." Erica and Rory nodded their heads in agreement as well. Ethan smiled. He had really good friends. And he wasn't going to trade them for anything.

"Then it's settled. I'd go hunt if I were you. We don't have no idea what were up against this time. We need to be at our full strength." Ethan said. Sarah, Erica, and Rory nodded their heads and went to go hunt. Once they left Ethan laid back on the bed and sighed. Benny looked down at Ethan. Ethan smiled up at Benny and pulled him down for a kiss. Benny moaned slightly kissing Ethan back as he wrapped his arms around Ethan.

Everything in that second was perfect. But how long can perfection last?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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