c. 2

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Matty hadn't even realized he had fallen asleep until the loud clanging of the cell door opening and a, "Matthew Healy, you've been bailed out," echoed through the room.
  George opened one eye, nodding at the shorter male. "Good luck with your mate," George said, referring to Adam.
  "Look me up when you get out."
  Matty hadn't meant for it to sound flirtatious, but with his rough, tired voice and him trying to conceal a yawn, it most definitely came out as flirting. He didn't look back at George as he followed the security guard to the front lobby section, his head hung low in shame. There, Adam stood, his arms crossed and face stern.
  "Hey, Adam," he said sheepishly.
  "Again? Really? You're gonna have to start paying me back for all the times I've gotta bail you out!"
  Matty felt ashamed, but more than that, he was itching for a coke and whiskey. He decided he'd keep that to himself, as sounding those wants would more than likely result in an angry stream of shouts from Adam.
  "Can we go home?" Matty asked, deciding on sleeping in a real bed instead of drinking the morning away.
  "Fine. But you owe me."
  Quite frankly, Matty owed him about six 'I owe you's, but he wasn't about to bring that up. The two boys made their way to Adam's Subaru, a total dad car in Matty's opinion, and both silently got in. As Matty thought more about it, Adam looked like he'd be a dad. He began to feel rather ashamed, as it was Matty's impulsive actions that caused Adam's life to be too busy and filled with havoc for a proper relationship. That and the fact Matty scared off anybody who came around. 
  "Adam, mate," he spoke. "D'you think it's my fault you don't have a girlfriend?"
  The car jerked to a stop before instantly moving again, causing Matty's knee to bash against the dashboard.
  "Oi, Matty, what's that supposed to mean?"
  Matty hadn't meant for it to come off offensively, and he instantly groaned at his own stupidity. "You're not still drunk, are you?"
  "Of course not. I just feel bad, is all."
  With that, the conversation ended, and the awkward silence hung above them for the rest of the car ride.

As the two drudged up the stairs to their two bedroom apartment, Matty realized just how fatigued he really was. All he wanted was to lay on his more lumpy than not bed and wrap himself in his brown duvet. Adam unlocked the door, which took a few minutes with him trying to find the right key, and finally Matty began to drag his feet to his bedroom. It was cold, due to his heater being off all night, and he instantly kicked off his shoes and pounced to comfort. As soon as his massive mane of hair hit the pillow, he was out like a light, the only thing to be heard from his room the followed six hours were the low rhythmic snores from his open mouth.

Ross MacDonald was all but happy to get the call from his best mate, explaining to him that he had been caught for theft. "Oi, George," he scolded. "What the fuck were you thinking?"
  "I wasn't!" George had exclaimed, the distraught clear in his voice. "One minute I was thinking about how much I needed the money, and the next..."
  Ross rubbed at his creased forehead, having not a clue what to do with his best friend. "When do you get released?"
  "Friday. I have court on the seventh of next month."
  It was Tuesday afternoon, and Ross felt rather bad for the poor lost puppy, being locked up for another three days. Though, as he thought about it more thoroughly, he did deserve it.
  "Listen, there's something I need to tell you," George said, speaking faster than before as they both knew his phone call was coming to an end.
  "What is it, mate?" Ross asked in respect of him, though he didn't have much care, as he was more focused on how he could help his lifestyle.
  "It's about a boy. I need you to somehow...find out who he is. His names Ma-"
The click of the call ending left Ross feeling nothing but irritated, as he was now left with curiosity that couldn't be fulfilled until Friday. Cursed Friday.
  He decided he'd better go grocery shopping, as he was running low on, well, frankly everything. Ross had been so caught up in his life, just getting out of a relationship and getting promoted to the head reporter for their city's newspaper (Ross was rather excited about that.)
  He quickly grabbed his keys and made his way to his grey-white Honda. Quickly starting up the engine, taking a wiff of the fast food he'd been eating for a week straight, he nodded, quickly heading his way to the supermarket.
  It was rather busy that day, leaving Ross even more irritated. What with small children pushing past him and a few teenage girls pushing their chests out to him, he felt rather uncomfortable. Do I really need food? He found himself thinking. Of course. That's a stupid question. And with that, he headed towards the produce section.
  Ross shivered as he found his way to the vegetables, the chill air causing goosebumps to erode upon his skin. He caught eye of the green peppers, deciding that'd be nice on a salad for that night. Not paying much attention, he reached down for one, just as another was.
  "Oh, my bad," Ross said, quickly yanking his hand back.
  "No, no, I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention."
  Ross looked up at the stranger, deciding he looked nice enough. Ross was, more or less, rather lonely those days. With George struggling to keep his life together, he didn't have many people to talk to. He found himself craving to talk to somebody; anybody.
  "I'm Ross."
  The man blinked at him, obviously confused as to why he just introduced himself. He was, after all, just out for a quick shop.
  "Adam," he said hesitantly.
  Ross awkwardly stuck his hand out, and Adam took it carefully, shaking his hand. Ross figured he looked, more or less, like a complete creep.
  "Oh, yeah," Adam said, suddenly remembering his initial quest to get the green peppers.
  Ross followed his league, carefully placing two of the peppers into a plastic bag, placing it in his cart. The two made eye contact again, Adam shifting uncomfortably. "I, uh, I've gotta continue shopping. My roommates been goin' through a lot lately, he just got home from....jail."
  Ross bit his lip, debating on whether or not to keep the conversation going. "My best mates going through a hard time, too. In fact, he's in jail right now. Won't get out till Friday."
  Adam opened his mouth, attempting to say something, before looking down, scrunching his brow up. He'd said everything he wanted, Ross concluded, and began to push away, to the next section.
  "Does it worry you?"
  Ross turned his head, confused. "What?"
  "Your friend, and jail. Does it worry you?"
  Ross stopped, chewing on that thought. Of course it did, especially with George's constant thieving. "Yes."
  Adam made his way towards him, chewing on his bottom lip. "My best mate, my roommate,  he's, he's an alcoholic. He can't keep a job and he's in and out of jail. I feel like I should do something- something to help him. But I've tried, and it never works."
  Ross listened intently, nodding, to show to him he heard him. Why this grocery trip turned into a catharsis, he knew not, but he was grateful for it.
  "My best mate, he's a kleptomaniac. He can't get a job or money, so he...he just steals. He robs and takes, but he never gives. I'm all he has, I know that, but there's nothing I can do! I'd love to help him, I would, but I don't have enough room to let him live with me. I don't even have enough money to take care of myself sometimes. I can't do anything and it sucks and it hurts, but what can I say?"
  Adam was listening, Ross could tell. He could tell he was holding onto every thing he said. He could also tell he had an idea, as a smile spread across his face.
  "Hey...why don't we have them meet? They can talk about what they're doing, and maybe they can help each other?"
  Ross gaped at him, thinking it through. "That...that's genius. Bloody genius! It'd be two birds one stone!"
  Adam grinned, ear to ear. The two were on the road for their friends recovery. Now all they had to do was get their mates on the same road.
  The two exchanged information, practically jumping in their jeans. Adam gave him an awkward, yet comfortable, embrace before getting into his own car and driving away. They were ecstatic to help their friends, and Ross felt much more happy, as he believed he made a new friend. We're gonna fix you, Georgie.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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