chapter 1

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I pulled on the iron handle . The trapdoor wouldn't open. I tried it again. I heaved with all my might. The rusty hinges cracked . I struggled and pulled it up.

I was exploring our new house. I should say our new house. It was new to us,but it was built about hundred years ago.

I looked down into the darkness. I could smell a funky odor,like we clay. For a second I thought I heard something,but then it was all quiet.

"Max"my dad told me,"you 're going to love oklahoma."
"It'll be such a change,"mom added

It was change alright. All my life ,twelve years , I'd lived in an apartment in New York city. That was my town. It was a place where all my friends were. The place where there was always somebody in the park to shoot baskets with or Rollerblade with or to hangout with. The place where we had a pizza parlor that served the worlds best pizza right outside our building
So Dad got job with an oil company and we moved to Yucca ,Oklahma,expect ,I called it Yuck Oklahoma. I didn't know anybody. There was nothing to do. It was just little town surrounded by cow pastures . And whats a cow? To me,it's just a cow.
The kids I'd met so far in Oklahoma were okay,but they talked kind of slower-everybody did out here. Their ways just seemed so different.
For one thing , they always had to be running off to do their chores. I mean , mom makes me clean my room every month or so , even if it doesn't need it. But these kids have to weed the garden , mow the lawn , carry in woods,milk cows,feed chickens. It was a whole other world to me.

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