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"Run! RUN, IGNIS!" I screamed as the scientists started coming towards us. Ignis was trying to run, hobbling almost. I grabbed his arm and made the floor freeze over. I ran, the slipperiness of the ice letting me go faster. I made a sledge for Ignis to go in, and some icicles.

Ignis had a good aim. "Here, Ignis, while I pull the sledge, throw these at the scientists!" I yelled over the commotion. He nodded, and took the icicles out of my hands.

I ran down to the exit, to find that it was simply a door. I ran through it anyway, freezing the floor and pulling Ignis along. The floor was white, the ceiling was white, the walls were white. Everywhere was white.

When Ignis seemed to have ran out of icicles, the guards started shooting at us. Guns, real ones. I screamed on hearing the sound of the bullets whizzing through the air. But luckily, Ignis managed to create a wall of fire, and the bullets melted on going through it. I smiled, knowing this would buy me some time, and I ran through the last door, into the outside.

Big mistake.

I shivered as I looked around the front garden. We were surrounded, guards everywhere. There was no escape. Ignis got out of the sledge, slowly and took in the surroundings. The sky, the grass that I had dreamt of for so long. It was there, but not in the way I had imagined. I looked around, to see if there was any way of escape. A window. It's locked. A door. They're both guarded.

So much for our escape plan. I sigh. "You know what this means, don't you Ignis." My brother nods, and we stand back to back. "Three, two, one... Go!" He yells, and we both create an array of weapons. Seeing as we can only make what we have seen in our lives, our knowledge of weapons are pretty limited, but I can create the firearm that the guards hold.

After seeing the men carry them round every day, I don't see why not. I create a half-circle of the things, and a couple of cannons. All in a matter of a split-second. After all, I was brought up to be a fighter. I may have no physical strength, but my knowledge of weapons isn't too bad.

Ignis had created a domino wall of fire where all of the armed forces were. I activated all the weapons, and in an instant, half of the forces were down. As in, the ones that I could see.

And that was when I let my guard down. The fact that I had missed the sniper in the lone tree we were next to. And it was a rather large tree. There could have been a million snipers in there, and I wouldn't have noticed them. Stupid Nix.

The loud crack of the bullet made me aware once more of reality. I dodged in time, but Ignis. He didn't hear it. He had always had bad hearing. I watched as he fell, his face frozen in shock.

I screamed. And all hell broke loose.

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