His Hair

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Severus, yet again roaming the halls of the silent manor. All alone with remnants of the previous nightmare in his mind. He was searching for his beloved Lucius, but to no avail. He had searched the second floor already, but found nothing; besides a sleeping Harry and Draco.

His search had now lead to him to the first floor. He was starting to doubt his decision when he heard a clambering from the sitting room. Fearing whatever was in the room he quickly grabbed for his wand. Ever since the end of the war people had been outraged that his Lucius had gone free, this resulted in a few break in's. Despite the newer and more powerful wards Lucius had assembled, Severus was still weary of the house.

Frightened and shaking Severus began to walk towards the room. The clambering had stopped by the time he reached the door, but still shaking he reached for the doorknob. Before he could even turn the knob the door was swung open. He was engulfed by the soft smell of his husband.

He looked down at his Lucius, and immediately brought him into a hug.

"Luc you scared me, why aren't you in bed?"

"I could ask you the same thing Sev."


Lucius nodded and released himself from his husband. He motioned for Severus to follow him. Severus followed him to the couch, and sat down on the soft cushion awaiting his love. Lucius sat down on the cushion in front of him between his legs, and leaned against his chest. Severus didn't hesitate before running his fingers through Lucius' long silver hair.

This had become a sort of late night tradition. Any time either of them would have a nightmare, Severus would braid Lucius' hair. It was calming, and therapeutic for the both of them. Severus had learned braiding from his Lily during his fifth year. She had taught him after Petunia had been particularly nasty, needing comfort. So he just did it anytime she was feeling sad or needed someone.

He had remembered his skill one night a while ago when Lucius had awoken crying. It was right after the war, and that's when the nightmares got worse. Lucius was afraid of the Dark Lord returning, as was everyone else, but the trauma he had been through with serving Voldemort amplified them ten fold. So when his love had awoken frightened he immediately started braiding his hair, and it calmed Lucius so much Severus never forgot the effect, and stuck with it.

So there they were sitting in front of the fire, Severus braiding Lucius' hair. He went for a simple french braid this time, slowly bringing in more strands as he went. Severus knew it was working when Lucius' shoulders went slack, and his head tipped back.

"Do you want to talk about it Love?"

"Not really, you?"

"It was different this time. I saw you die and I couldn't save you. So when I woke up I thought I really had lost you."

"You know I would never leave you Love."

"I know I was just frightened."

Lucius nodded his head, as Severus tied the braid, and brought his head to Lucius' shoulder. He then brought his arms around his waist, and held him tight. He brought his lips to Lucius' cheek and gave him a soft kiss. They fell asleep like that, only to be awoken by Draco and Harry awing at the scene before them.

His HairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora