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As soon as I step into the building, I feel eyes on me.

Deciding it was usual and not to give a crap about it, I try to find a hall where my first class – Business Law- was supposed to be. Feeling satisfied when I spot a big sign that said HALL 3, I look down at my watch to see that I have thirty minutes left. 


When I woke up this morning, I felt like shit. I didn't bother to put on a decent outfit, despite my aunt's protest who wanted me to wear some kind of a pencil skirt and a blouse, paired with heels, saying that I have to look insanely sophisticated for my first day of second year. 

Yeah, right.

''Sam, I'm not going to the office. I'm in college, and when I start working, I promise I'll wear those things, hell, I'll even let you choose them for me'', I added the last part to comfort her because I saw her scowling and almost pouting.

''Okay, okay. Deal means deal. I'm gonna make some breakfast. You in?'' Oh, shit. Aware of the fact that she knows everything about my problems, I try not to look alarmed, but fail miserably.

She notices my obvious discomfort immediately and sits down next to me on the bed.

 ''Honey... You look different from the last time I saw you. I was trying so hard not to bring it up, but you know me'', she laughs nervously.

''You look sick, Chloe. You're really pale. Are you okay?'' Her gaze stays on my face for a while but I break eye contact and look at my hands.

''Yeah, I'm totally okay. I'm not that person anymore.'' Thinking that that sounded convincing, I didn't know who I was trying to convince. Me, or her.

Looking her in the eyes again, I saw a sign of relief on her face as she exhales.

 ''You know that I've had a flu for at least a week. I think I lost some weight, but I'll gain it all back. No worries.'' Smiling, I added: ''Now, what's for breakfast?''

And here I am. One hour later, in search for a bathroom. I practically run towards it when I spot one. Hurrying into one of the stalls, I look around before closing the door to see if anyone was in there. 

This is really my day, I thought.

Bending over, I put two fingers in my mouth, and down my throat.

 After my breakfast ended up in the toilet, I flush it and close my eyes for a second to make the constant feeling of weakness go away. Satisfied, I walk out of the stall and wash my hands.

Fixing my hair in the mirror, I notice what dad and Sam have been saying. Boy, was I pale. Ignoring it, I fake a smile and wink at myself in the mirror. 

You can do this.

Walking out of the bathroom, I checked my phone and saw I had three messages. Not bothering to open them, I see that I have ten minutes left till my first class starts. Just as I prepare to walk into the hall, an older woman appears in front of me. 

Of course.

''Good afternoon, Miss..'' She scans a paper she's holding in her hand. ''Well, I suppose you are Miss Williams, because you are the only transfering student here this year.'' 

She gives me a warm and honest smile. ''Please, just show me the papers so that I can...''

After I provided her everything she needed, she thanked me for my politeness and wished me luck. I chose a seat in the middle and pulled out my notebook and a pen, looking around to see mostly everyone in the hall glancing my way.

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