The forest of the damned

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(Note: all events and characters depicted in this story are fictional)

Well, I did really land in shit, not that I cared though, I had much bigger problems. As far as I could tell, even though I couldn't, I was a ways away from the old LZ. My chances of being rescued now? Zero to none. I had to start running quickly, they were coming for me, not caring about how much can noise they make, clearly. I was going to run but apparently they missed me, thank god for small miracles. I couldn't run back because I was sure there was some back at the broken LZ. And unless there complete dumbasses then there should be a second, more powerful search party. One choice then. Try and break ahead of the front line and and stay ahead, problem is, I didn't have a silencer, and even them in their armor would hear that. Shit, either I'm one lucky motherfucker or I was doomed to eternal suffering from the start. Probably both, well, maybe not. I started running, and I found one of them, either try and beat him down or shoot him and hope for the best. I thought about it for a moment and something popped in my head. 1: I'm fucked royally. 2: it's armor, there should be gaps in it somewhere. I remembered them cracking their necks in the torture compound, the neck. I'll go for the Melee kill. I holstered my rifle in a small little hidden place on the square of my back. I snuck up behind it and prepared to strike. I brought my knife down and with a chink it bounced off the side of its armor. Well, that wasn't supposed to happen. I really was in a forest of the damned.

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