Chapter 8

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8 years ago Part 2

Shea didn't leave her sister's side all night, and Ash never left Shea's. To onlookers they looked like an odd little threesome. Shea following around her big sister and Ash only a few steps behind following around his mate. They played hide and seek, and Shea took a strike at the pinata, she'd raced Ash through the obstacle course and he'd let her win. Shea was having the best birthday of her entire life, and Ash was happy because she was. However Kylie wasn't feeling the same happiness as her companions. Her mind was muddled with unfamiliar feelings, and she felt off as if something bad was approaching. She looked around her surroundings every few minutes looking for some clue as to where this feeling of impending doom was coming from. She smiled at the children laughing and playing, and giggled slightly at the kids her age in the corner huddled together absorbed with their social media. She was her mother and father cutting slices of Harry Potter themed cake for the party goers. They looked truly happy, so did her siblings who were sitting at a table with their mates and a few other friends playing a game of Gin Rummy. Everything all around her seemed ok. Shea was standing next to her attempting to throw darts at a target and failing miserably. Ash was laughing at her pouty face, and attempting to help her angle the darts so she wouldn't miss. Everyone looked so happy, maybe that was what her feeling was. While everyone was celebrating and looking so happy, she felt absolutely miserable. Here she was on her 18th birthday, a day with a full moon present and she was at a Harry Potter themed party. She should have been somewhere hidden away being marked by her mate, a person she had yet to meet. Her eldest brother had met his mate when he was fifteen, her other brother sixteen, and her little sister when she was only six! She felt like she was being left behind.

Her entire life she'd always figured the moon goddess would pair her with Ash, they were perfect for one another. On countless occasions pack members would comment on how much she reminded them of the current Luna, Ash's mother. They also would always say Ash's father was just like him growing up, and yet Ash was already mated to a child 8 years younger than her.

As envious as she was of her younger sister however, she couldn't hate her for her good fortune. Besides, Kylie didn't possess a hateful bone in her body, and more than anything she wanted Shea to be happy. She knew growing up being the young alpha's intended mate was hard for Shea, she didn't get to attend regular school like the other kids, she was never allowed to leave pack land not even when the other kids were taken to amusement parks and she'll never know what it was like to go to the mall. Kylie felt for her younger sister, being the mate of an Alpha was both a privilege and a curse. Kylie snapped out of her reverent thoughts as she felt someone pulling on her hand. She looked down into the big brown eyes of her younger sister.

"Kylie, can we go for a run now?" Kylie shook the fog from her brain in order to grasp what Shea had asked. She looked towards Ash for his answer, if she had things her way Shea would remain safely tucked away inside the pack house until she shook the bad feeling that had enveloped her ever since she'd stepped foot outside. She figured she was just paranoid and turned to Ash for guidance, if danger was eminent surely he would feel it too.

"Come on squirt, let's go for that run." Ash never looked up at Kylie, he was concentrating solely on the radiant smile that was spread across Shea's face. Had he looked up however he might have noticed the look of terror on his friend's face, he might have decided not to take Shea on the run, maybe then nothing bad would have happened. Maybe if he'd said no to Shea and waited until another day to run everything would be ok now.

They would never know.

Shea and Kylie undressed and hid their clothes in a clearing behind the house. Ash wandered off a few feet deeper in the woods where he also undressed and then hid his clothes behind a large tree. They changed into their wolves, and Ash waited for the girls to join him. They began the pace of the run slow, realizing that in many ways Shea's wolf was still a pup and couldn't keep up with the full speed of an adult wolf. As they emerged themselves farther and farther into the woods Shea began to run faster Kylie laughed slightly as her younger sister tripped over roots sticking out from the ground as she got distracted by every little thing. Ash stayed next to Shea, scanning the woods as they ran, always watching as he was trained to do. He noticed that Shea was picking up speed as they were running, he wasn't exactly sure when she'd become so fast, but she was going to fast for him to watch and their surroundings at one time.

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