The Never Ending Nightmare

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I must keep running. I must keep running. If I stop now I will be caught. So I must keep running. I round the corner and my heart slams against my ribcage and my foot throbs with pain. I see my aunt's house and pound on her door. "Open up, open up. Aunt Kristin!!!!" She opens the door and I run in. She slams the door shut and I leaned against the door with all my might. A minute later pounding comes to the door." DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR!"

.... After lacrosse practice.... My friend and I were talking about how to improve our game." I think we should just spy on the other team and see their plans." Suggested Sofia." That would be cheating! 'Sides we would get caught. I think we should just pass the ball more."
Sofia said," That could work..... But...."" Hey I have to go. I see Dad's car." "Ok, see ya next week." As I began to walk out I saw a red pick up truck run a red light. I tried to yell to my parents, but it was too late.
The truck rammed its front side into the driver's side. I could hear the screeching between the cars as they collided all the way from the front of the school. I froze for a minute. Then I heard the wailing sound of sirens. That is when I took off running.
As I ran sweat poured over my face. My heart hammered into my ribcage. Then I found the medical team pulling out the last of my family. My heart stopped. They were pale and had limbs twisted in weird ways. They were so still and lifeless.
I didn't know what to do." Why did this happen? Why didn't the guy stop? Where am I going to go.....?" These thoughts poured into me as the tears poured out of my eyes.
I dropped down next to my brother. When my knees made contact with the road a jolt of pain ran down my legs, but I didn't care, nothing could match the pain of grief. The medical team kept trying to pull me off the lifeless people on the ground. I just kept yelling," Stop, stop, they could still start breathing. They could still be alive!" I knew that was not going to happen, but I didn't want to believe what was happening.
When the cops finally got me away from my lifeless family. I turned around to see who did this. It was a guy, probably mid twenties with ink black hair and bright green eyes. He had a black eye that matched his matted hair and cuts with blood on his face." I wish this guy would be dead. No, this guy should be dead." These thoughts made me more aggravated with this guy, so I just walked over.
When I approached him he started his speech on how sorry he was, so terribly sorry. " OMG. I am so sorry I didn't see the red light. So I went because I thought it was my turn. Then I saw the car and couldn't stop and..." I, of course, didn't let the guy finish because I didn't care." "You are sorry. Really. I could see the freakin red light from the school, moron. So don't tell me you didn't see it. Did you really think I would just let you go so easy, a? Well no because you just killed my family. So quit your babbling and save it for your cell buddies in jail. Idiot!"
With that I turned on my heel and walked away. "Really dude, couldn't see the red light. Yeah right." I thought that in my head until I heard him start laughing."OK, little girl you think I am hurt by some kids' words. Now that's funny." Those words went through me like a punch to the stomach. My pulse quickened to the point my actions came before I thought. I turned around and said," I AM NOT A LITTLE KID!" Then I ran so fast and tackled the man to the ground before he could react. When he hit the ground I yelled in his face, "Who's the d*** kid now!" Then I brought my clenched fist down on his precious nose to the point that I felt the bones crack. I stood up and kicked the side of his head. Then I continued my walk with a scowl on my face.
When I ran into the crowd I finally ran out of patience and said, "I will only say this once. Get the hell out of my way!" Then the crowd separated and I finally got some peace in me and continued on my walk. On the walk I made a couple decisions I didn't know how I was going to accomplish. For example, not doing anything that will remind me of my family. So that meant no lacrosse. I was so mad at the moment I knew I would keep my promises.
When I reached home I went inside and I got the things I needed for my voyage to find family. I got my savings and two outfits. One for warm days and one for cold days. I also grabbed my phone and charger, a blanket and my water bottle. This will have to do. I also snatched some basket food that didn't need cooking. Then I went down stairs and grabbed my pocket knife and a photo of my family. I went back upstairs and put on my jacket and combat boots and began my walk.
Around two o'clock in the morning I was so exhausted that I climbed the tallest tree and used my blankets to tie myself to the sturdiest tree branch. As soon as I relaxed I fell straight to sleep. Then my nightmares came to greet me. It had my parents in them and I was so confused on what they were saying," Adam you need to get as far away from here as you can. Get out of Portage County. The guy who killed us did not do it on accident. He has been searching for us for two years to cover up his violent secrets." I frowned and brushed my eyebrows together. "What do you mean he did this on purpose? Wait on the other thought, What do you mean this guy has been searching for you?" They looked at each other and responded," No need to worry about that now. Okay, sweetie wake up someone is coming." At that I sat up so quickly I hit my head on the tree branch above me. I realized I was probably screaming because my throat hurt and I was covered in cold sweat.
I began to untie myself from my tree branch and listened for anything to indicate another person was in the woods with me. Then I heard it, the voices and the snapping of twigs. I knew they were a good mile closer to me so I jumped down from my branch and rolled to my feet and ran as quick as I could. I hit the road and went straight down the street and ran to the nearest house. Then I thought, " Yeah I will just wake up some stranger at six o'clock in the morning. I would get myself killed!" So I turned around and saw two men standing there looking at me. They said; " Stay where you are and we won't kill you here." I looked closer at them and realized one was the man who killed my parents and my brother.
I quickly responded," Yeah, I would rather not die tonight so..." At that I took off running and I think I heard one of the men curse under his breath, As I ran the men fired shots randomly hoping to get one to hit me. I finally took a sharp turn at last minute and disappeared back into the woods. As I caught my breath, I heard one shout and took off running again. I was a good mile away from the sight when I found a house with someone outside. I was glad to find someone with a familiar face.
It was my coach. When he saw me he gave me a confused look, and began to say something when I said'" I will explain everything in the car." He didn't say anything he just grabbed his phone and keys off the picnic table and got into the car. He rolled down the windows and said," Well are you coming or not?"
I hopped into the car and explained everything, but I left out the dream and shooting. After that he just looked as if he saw a ghost. Then asked," Where are we exactly going by the way?" I asked," Can you get me to Bowling Green?"" Why so far kid?" I just shrugged and said, "I have family I can stay with out there and that is where I belong. If you could can You just drop me off at the university?" " Yeahh I think I can do that."
As we approached the university I told him " You can stop. I can find my aunt from here." He just nodded and I dug out a twenty dollar bill to give him. Ryan responded "Keep it for when you need it." I smiled and nodded a thanks. I walked a good distance when I finally came to a wooded area.
I found a good tree and smiled. I began to climb when I heard a couple shots being taken. I thought, "dang it, I forgot it was hunting season, I guess I will hope no one sees me and decides to shoot me." I tied myself to a branch hidden behind a ton of leaves. I was well hidden. I finally fell asleep.
When I slept dreams came again. This one had my brother in it. " Hey sis, why didn't you help me? I could still be living." " I am sorry, I tried but it all happened so quickly. I couldn't do anything." "Well, you failed at that now didn't you?"
I woke up but covered up my screams and untied the blanket and jumped down. I hit the ground at a bad angle and twisted my ankle. All I thought was," Why now?" I found and used my pocket knife to cut some fabric from my blanket and took a couple sticks off the ground and made a homemade splint.
Great, now I was limping for a mile. This will take a lot longer. Each step I took was like a hammer being swung at my ankle. Little by little I finally came to my aunt's village. Then I saw someone I didn't want to see.
The dang idiot followed me here. You can't be serious. Will I ever catch a break? Probably not, so I took off running before he saw me. The running was a lot worse than walking. It was like your foot being run over by a semi truck. I wish that guy would get run over by a semi. I reached my aunt's house and pounded on the door....
I can't show you anymore unless I want to be caught. You want to know more, then come and find me. I wish you good luck. I will never be caught. I will not stop running. I will never give up.

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